Crown... (Analogical)

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I gave this prompt to someone else, and I thought I'd write it, because I'd had the idea for a while, I just hadn't gotten around to it.

"Chin up Princess, your tiara is falling." Roman spoke in passing, causing Virgil to let out a low growl in the back of his throat. The regal annoyed him, he made royal jokes, and it drove certain aspects up the wall.

"I'm not a princess." Virgil's voice came out low and threatening, he hadn't meant for it to, it just happened. He'd not had a particularly good day, and he didn't need Roman's stupid jokes adding to it.

"Well, whatever headwear you have, it's falling." With that, Roman walked out of the room, leaving a frustrated Virgil.


Virgil groaned as he flopped on his boyfriend's bed. He didn't care that he was busy, Virgil just wanted the company of his significant other. "Are you alright, Virgil." The voice pulled him out of his negative thoughts.

"Just frustrated." He muttered, ignoring almost everything in the room, as his eyes fluttered closed, and he curled in on himself.

"What happened?" Logan stood up and walked over to his boyfriend, who seemed rather unlike himself.

"Roman." Came the growled response.

"What did he do?" Logan sat on the bed, and pulled Virgil closer to him.

"He told me to keep my chin up, my tiara is falling, and he called me a princess." Virgil sighed and curled into Logan's hold, appreciating his boyfriend. "I'm not a princess, nor do I wear any sort of crown."

"Maybe you should talk to him about this?"

"Why? So he can mock me?"

"We both know he would not do it to hurt you. He is just trying to bridge the gap between you."

"It's not working."

"Talk to him."

Virgil huffed, and looked up at his boyfriend. "Fine. But you'd better stay here."

"I am going nowhere." Logan sent him a small reassuring smile, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. Virgil sighed and walked out of the room, hoping to find the Princely trait.


After an hour of searching, he finally found Roman. "Roman?" Virgil spoke, a hint of uncertainty in his voice as he approached Roman.

"Virgil! Greetings!" Roman spun around at the sound of Virgil's voice, a grin lit up his face.

"I... I need to talk to you."

Roman noted the serious expression in his features. "Did I do something?" His stomach flipped and he sighed sadly.

"Well... Sort of." Virgil perched on the edge of Roman's bed. "You... You tell me to keep my chin up, but I-I think the crown is too big... So no matter what I do... It keeps falling."

"I'm confused."

"You're trying to make me feel better, but I'm doing so, I feel worse... I-I want to take your advice, and keep my "chin up" but it doesn't work. I know you're a friend, and I care for you, b-but I can't take the royal jokes anymore. I-I... I'm sorry."

"No... I get it. Sorry I bother you."

"I-I didn't mean it like that..."

"No. It's fine, I'm sorry I don't help."


"Please leave..."

Virgil sighed and looked at Roman, he felt guilty, but he couldn't do anything right then. As he left the royal's room, he ran into Patton. "Please help Roman." He muttered to him as they passed one another.

Virgil went back to Logan's room, and curled up on the bed, making little to no sound, leaving his boyfriend to work. Tears fell soundlessly down his cheeks, and he fell asleep in the middle of his boyfriend's bed, waiting for someone to tell him off for upsetting Roman.

591 words

Sorry all my stuff is short. I'm trying to make them longer. I'm sorry.

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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