Day 2: Twinxiety

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Virgil sighed and looked at the bunk above him, he couldn't help but feel as though he didn't belong in the house he lived in. His brother had it all, a boyfriend, their parents attention, good grades, and other activities, whereas he was the one who stayed quiet, had one friend, and was barely passing any of his classes. He didn't want to ask for help, but part of him realised it may be the only chance he had, if he wanted to graduate with his brother.

"Ro?" He cursed under his breath, he hadn't used the nickname in years, and he wasn't sure if his brother would appreciate it, especially not at 5am, when they were just waking up.

"Hm?" The bed creaked above him, and within seconds, Roman had appeared next to him, hair a mess, eyes half shut still.

Virgil had to fight off a laugh, and the urge to take a photo of his brother to use as blackmail. He glanced up at his brother, who was swaying on his feet, trying to stay upright.

"I need your help."

"I know that."

Virgil rolled his eyes at the clear insult towards him, and sighed. "I'm having trouble in a few classes, and they're ones Logan can't help me in, I was hoping you might be able to help? I need to pass to graduate, and I can't do it by myself."

"I would love to help you, but first, I need more sleep."

At that exact moment, their mum came to the door, and knocked, telling them it was time to get up. Virgil smiled at his brother, and sat up, looking at his brother's pouty face.

"Poor Roman, you got dragged out of bed two minutes before you were supposed to. Boo hoo." Virgil mocked him, and laughed as Roman reached up for a pillow, ready to hit him with it, but he didn't remember Virgil was slightly smaller, and was able to escape easier, and by the time Roman had got his pillow, Virgil had locked himself in the bathroom, ready to make his escape, when he knew Roman was gone.

While they may not have the best relationship, Virgil and Roman loved each other unconditionally, and even if Virgil felt shadowed by Roman, he knew Roman would always be there for him, and if he needed anything, he would be able to count Roman for anything.

403 words

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Take care

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