Voices (No Ship)

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I relate too much...

T.W. Death, skipping meals.

I hold conversations in my own mind
With voices that aren't even mine.

They tell me I'm not hungry
That food will make me sick

I want to eat, I am in need
But I just don't want it.

They tell me I'm pathetic
Useless and alone

Most days I believe them
What proof is there against it?

I hold conversations in my mind
With voices that aren't even mine

They scream and shout,
Make me go insane

I want them to stop
But how can I do that,
Without looking crazy?

I hold conversations in my mind
With voices that aren't even mine

They call me names, say I'm to blame
For all the people I've left behind.

Maybe they're right
Maybe they're wrong
I don't know anymore

My life is a mess and the words aren't right
If only they knew I'm really not alright

I'm sorry to you all, I love you greatly
Don't worry about me, I'll be gone soon.


With those words he lay down in bed, and closed his eyes, knowing he wouldn't wake up. The note lay outside his door, ready to be read as soon as the sun came up.

200 words

My head hurts

Hope you enjoyed
Take care

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