Vampire princes x chubby vampire servent

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You are a servant working for the vampire royal family, you have been working for them for the royal family for many years. This soon leads you to become close friends with the two prince and future heirs Damien and Kieran. Soon that friendship had become love and you and Damien started to see each other in secret. Soon Damien's and Kieran's father and uncles found out about your guy's love affair when Damien away for training. They had the guards beat you up and said for you to end the whole, love affair between you and Damien or it will be your father's death if you don't.

y/n father" did you hear prince Damien and Kieran is coming home today dear"

y/n" that wonderful father" soon enough all the servants had been called to the castle courtyard to welcome Damien home. When you saw Damien and Kieranstep out from his carriage your guy's eyes meet, and he smiled at you. After a while, you had been called to Damien chambers to help unpack his things.

Y/n" good evening princes...."

Damien" You don't have to call us prince my love...I have missed you so much" Damien soon walked closer to you and was about to place a kiss on your lips. You had pulled away from Damien fast and looked away.

Y/n" I'm sorry I have been told to unpack your things... I will do that right away"

Kieran " sure love"

y/n " thank you"

Damien" I'm happy to be home love now I can see you again and be with you" you are unpacking everything not even listing to what Damien is saying to you. Once everything is done you soon leave Damien and Kieran chambers.

Later that night

you had been called to Damien and Kieran chambers once again you had been given no reason, why you are being called upon. You soon enter the chambers to see Damien and Kieran is nowhere to be seen you soon see, the candle lights are lightened in the grand bathroom. You soon walked into the room to see Damien and Kieran washing themselves . He soon sees you and stops what he is doing, he moves a bit closer to the edge.

Y/n" hello"

Damien " you look so beautiful I can't believe you have become mine"

y/n" thank you"

Kieran" please join us my love I want to catch up on everything I missed between us"

y/n" I can't I just came here to help you"

Damien" well the help I need is bringing back our love" Damien and Kieran soon step out of the giant tub and grabs a towel, and wraps it around their waist.

Damien " what have we done to make you push me away... I have dreamed of us being together and showing you how much I missed you"


Damien" Don't pay attention to what our father and uncles I have said my love, they will not do anything to hurt you or your father" you look at Damien and he soon pulls you closer to him and starts kissing you. Soon Damien stops kissing you allow Kieran a turn to kiss you, you soon feel someone losing up your dress.

Kieran" we have missed you in many ways than one sweetheart" soon enough you felt you dress come off, and now you are standing in your undergarments.

y/n" what are you two up to"

Damien" You will see soon enough"

y/n"...." the next things you know is that you are in bed with your two lovers while they kissed you, and show you how much they missed you. The next night you wake up in Kieran bed with a small smile on your face.

Kieran" good evening my love"

y/n" hello dear... wait where is Damien"

Kieran " dealing with a few things but he will be back here later"

Damien" Hello princess it great to see you are awake"

y/n" what did you do"

Damien" you will see soon my love" Damien soon got back into the bed and soon lays his head on your lap.

A few nights later you found out that the guys had gotten, the throne and made you their queen that same night. You never saw you father in law and you never asked why.

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