Batfamliy x short daugther x superman family 2

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Y/n " ...... "

Damien " soon later in life become different for the whole world and lex Luther was killed later on my fathers"

Y/n " can I see them"

Conner " that won't be a good idea kiddo if they see you they will try to keep you here"

Y/n " sure but how I'm going to get home to my family and friends"

John " we will help you get home and maybe we can help rebuild our lives as well" the guys had help you seek back into the bat cave and when you walked inside, everything was different. The bat boys were working in some devices hoping that will be able to get you home.

???? " what going on here"

y/n " hey"

Bruce " y/n you are alive... you are not my y/n are you "

Y/n " I'm sorry but you are right I'm not your daughter I'm from a different....."

Bruce " universe I know I have been doing research thinking there was on y/n that I could bring here and... have her back but I can't"

Y/n "...."

Bruce " it great to see your other Bruce is doing well rising you along with the other Clark, but we need to get you home"

Y/n " thank you" soon a portal arrived and you had been told it might be your way home, you wanted so badly to speak with the other Superman but you had been told it was not a good idea. So you waved goodbye to the other version of you family and wished them the best, hoping that they will be able to restore their lives. You soon opened your eyes to notice you were not even home, at all you soon looked at saw your father Superman on a barrier and he was called the red son.

Y/n " how many worlds are they of my family and fiends to many"

Y/n " where in the world I'm ....Russia.... wow" you had looked around the see to find out where you are and soon enough you saw the Russian flag.

???? " lady y/n why in the world are you outside alone your fathers would hate this" you turned around to see a random guy with raven hair looking at you.

Y/n " Louis"

Louis " yes my lady I have to get you home before you father has my head"

Y/n " wait you see I'm...." you had been placed into a car by Louis and he soon drove away with you, you knew there was no point in fighting anyone about it now you just have wait to se if you could find a way home or to a different world.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now