Male trixs (ice) x short chubby witch reader

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Once again you had been forgotten by your guy friends because you were supposed to hangout with them, but a female friend of  hella showed up and soon enough the guys were hanging out hella and his female friend. Which you were not mad about but you wished they told you before you left your dorm room or come meet up them. So now you are shopping in witch store trying to buy something or just look around.

Y/n " I can't grab it"

???? " hey let me help you" you soon are pass the spell book you were trying to get and you turned around to thank the person,who help you out.

Y/n " oh thanks you .... oh hey ice"

Ice " hey y/n I saw you were in the shop and came to say to speak with you"

Y/n " oh well thank you again I have to get going" you walked passed ice and got to buy the book, you soon leave hhe shop fast but he is still following you.

Ice " hey where are you heading now"

Y/n " anywhere"

Ice " hey so where are you friends today I alway see them with you"

Y/n " they are busy with something else"

Ice " well that means you are free right I was wondering, if you will like maybe to hangout with me"

Y/n " ......"

Ice " I know you might think I'm jerk from what you have heard from the guys about me, but please just give me a chance"

Y/n " sure I will give you a chance but try anything stupid I will make you pay"

Ice " I'm promise I will behave myself" ice soon grabbed you hand and started walking down the street with you, you saw some people looking at you.

Ice " hey don't mind them they are just nobodies"

Y/n " okay.... where are we going anyways"

Ice " you will see soon enough" you soon enter the park with ice and at first you thought things will be normal, that was until Ice casted a magical portal to show up.

Ice " come I will show you something you will love"

Y/n " okay" ice and you soon walked threw the portal and you soon opened your eyes to see you are in magical snow land.

Y/n " wow ice this amazing"

Ice " I remember you loved snow so much when we were younger so, I found this kingdom and thought I will bring you here" you were looking around at yeh snow when you were soon hit by a snow ball and you looked at ice, who was having snow ball floating around him.

Y/n " you never play fair do you" you placed the book down and start hitting him with some snow balls making him laugh at you.

Ice " I can say the same about you my dear snow angel" you and ice play in the snow for while but you soon notice it was time to head back to school.

Ice " thank you for giving me the chance to prove I'm not that bad"

Y/n " thanks for the trip goodnight"

Ice " goodnight my snow angel" before you could do anything ice kissed you on the lips and soon walked away, but looked at you a smirk making you turn bright red.

Y/n " ......."

With ice

Stormer " so you kissed her"

Doomer " I can't believe you really did ti due I thought you were not going to do it"

Ice " oh hush it you two okay I just had to okay and I not like her boy toys are going, to do anything about it the last thing I remember they are with some other girl"

Doomer " sure"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now