Bnha boys x chubby friend reader

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It was normal Friday afternoon and you are waiting for four of your friends to show up, because they when something plan for this afternoon. You soon see the guys coming walking into the dorm lobby room and they are all wearing suits for some reason.

Y/n " what are you boys doing"

Deku " well we wanted to make you feel special today"

Y/n " may I say you all look good in suits"

Todoroki " we are sorry we are making you feel overwhelmed"

Y/n " hey it okay I'm not overwhelmed but I happy I decided to wear a skirt today, because now I don't feel underdress about this whole thing"

Bakugou " come on let's get going"

Kirishima " sorry about him he ...."

Y/n " it okay" you soon follow the guys outside of dorm building and follow them somewhere, you really didn't know where they were taking you but you believe in them. Soon enough you get and picnic area with them and see a dinner set up on a large picnic blanket.

Y/n " wow you guys did lot"

Deku " yeah we wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you y/n"

Y/n " you guys didn't have to"

Kirishima " we wanted to because you mean so much to us"

Y/n " you guys are too sweet that times"

Bakugo " come on let's get this over before one of those dorks comes and ruins this for us" you smile ay bakugo and soon take your seat, on the picnic blanket. You and the guys soon start eating the food and enjoying your afternoon with the, but you can tell the guys were up to something but you were going to wait for them to tell you.

Todoroki " hey y/n can you wait here for a moment we have to go get something"

Y/n " sure" soon the guys got up from the picnic blanket and soon left but they soon came back each of them holding a bouquet of flowers.

Bakugou " y/n we have something important to tell you"

Y/n " oh ..okay"

Deku " y/n for a long time we had all realized we have deeper feels for you that is more than a friendship"

Todoroki " we didn't want to force you to pick one of us"

Kirishima " so we were wondering if you will date all four us and give us a chance to show you how much we love you"

Y/n " I will love to do that because I started falling in love with you guys as well" after that afternoon you and the guys started dating and the whole class was happy and supportive of you and the guys relationship, after a one year from graduating from UA the guys had asked you to marry them and you said yes to them and you soon become the wife of four popular hero's.

Present time

???? " we are home"

Y/n " hey dears how was work"

Todoroki " it was good but we are more happy to be home"

Deku " so how as your day with the ....." soon there was loud boom coming from upstairs, your husbands looked ay you and you soon started giggling a bit.

Y/n " well you can ask you sons you have been spending their day off from school, playing with their powers"

Bakugou " those brats"

Kirishima " here we go again"

Y/n " please bakugo honey don't get the started every time you call them that they want to fight you all"

Bakugo " I don't care I will show those kids what fear is really .... hey brats I called you all" you soon heard footsteps running down the hallway and you soon moved away from the steps, and soon enough your sons jump off yeh step and layed on their fathers.

Y/n " I will go get some ice packs for all of you" you soon leave the hallway and soon heat your sons yelling at bakugo and soon a small play fight starts.

Y/n " they are never going to change"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now