Harry x cuvry tech nerd reader

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You knew your best friend peter Parker was spider man along with the group of new kids at school, that were superhero's as well and part of shield. Soon later on nick fury had showed up out of no where and told you at you will be part of the team, after there were a few times you help the Peter and the others save the day from evil.

Y/n " hey I think the new Spider-Man is not that bad he seems like a great guy"

Nova " yeah and he seem better then Webb's here"

Peter " hey bucket head hush"

Power man " it seem it will be great to have more help frighting crime and y/n has been working on a super suit of here only that a spider as well"

Nick " oh yes I have been talking about that with y/n for sometime"

White tiger " now dose he know already and we just found out"

Y/n " well I'm using some of shield technology to make my suits and I had to get the okay to make the suit"

Iron first " you will make a great superhero y/n"

Y/n " thank"

Nick " now you all have to get to class and don't be late" before anyone could do anything nick had pushed a button and before you all knew it you were all at school wearing your causal clothes.

Y/n " hey you have to give it to nick when it comes to get us to school on time" We all had head off to class and during class I had went to my locker to go, get a notebook I had left in my locker and that when I ran into one of other best friends Harry.

Y/n " oh hey harry how are you"

Harry " I'm great so what do you think about the new spider man"

Y/n " well I think he cool why do you ask"

Harry " I will answer that later there something you need to see" Harry hand grabbed my hand and pulled me into this empty hallway that lead to no classrooms.

Y/n " Harry if this one of your pranks again I'm going"

Harry " no it not just wait and see" before you could say anything Harry and tap his new watch and he soon was taken over by vemon, and before your own eyes he had become the new venom Spider-Man.

Y/n " Harry" Harry soon stand there in the venom form and he soon has the face mask taken off by not even making a move.

Harry " it cool right"

Y/n " ......"

Harry " okay I'm guessing I blew you away right"

Y/n " hey that is venom the creature that came to your party and nearly destroyed you and everyone else"

Harry " I know but I can control it see let me take it off" Harry soon has the suit take off and is back is his normal form but you are still freaking out over him becoming venom.

Harry " you don't have to worry about it y/n i can control venom and now I become the new and better Spider-Man"

Y/n " oh harry you don't know what you are doing"

Harry " y/n can't you just support me please I can be something great" you wanted to say something else but you knew Harry will not listen but the one person he wanted to make proud of him was his father.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now