Romulus x cuvry short werewolf reader

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You are walking down the hallways of monster high and there was already drama and chaos staring since the all werewolf and all vampire school start going to monster high. Your three older brothers were already busy hanging out with their old and new friends, to have time for you but hey you were used to it because you were the runt in your family.

Y/n " ohh I'm so sorry I didn't see you there"

Vampire girl " eww I can't believe she touched me and it makes it worst she the runt"

Y/n " I'm sorry I didn't mean to ...."

Vampire guy " why can't you stupid dogs learn your place you little runt" you soon run away from the two vampire who were bullying you, it was hard for you to make friends on your own.

Y/n " why couldn't I be homeschooled it will been better"

Student 1 " I hear she the baby sister of clawd wolf, Claws Wolf, and howl wolf"

Student 2 " she can't be she is too small to be werewolf"

Y/n " ......" you soon had gotten to your locker and grabbed your notebook, and you closed your locker and kept on walking. You soon come across the werewolf hall and for some stupid reason you decided to walk in the hall but you had been stoped.

Werewolf male " sorry kiddo but you can't be down here ..... you are to small to be in here"

Y/n " but I'm a ......"

???? " what going on here are you picking on y/n"

Y/n " oh hey Romulus it okay I was leaving anyway"

Romulus " hey kid don't listen to them one day you will become something great" you have a big crush on your big brother clawd best friend since you been little.

Y/n " thank you rom you are the best"

Romulus " anytime kid I will see you around pack come on we are going to be late for class" Romulus soon walks away with his friends while you stand there looking at him.

Werewolf female " don't you even try runt he will never love you and everyone already know about you puppy crush on him"

Y/n " I don't ...."

Werewolf female 2 " oh yes you know what she talking about even your brothers think it weird for you to have a crush on him, even Romulus himself think you are weird having a crush on him"

Y/n " they are not like that you are lying threw you fangs"

Werewolf female 3 " fine if you don't believe them then at lunch confess your feelings of puppy love to Romulus and he will reject you in front of the whole school and pack"

Y/n " fine I will prove you all wrong" you walked away from the three ghouls but you can hear them laughing, but soon lunch came around and there was gossip going around school of you going to confess.

Howl " hey baby sis so rumor around school is you are going to tell Romulus how you really feel"

Y/n " well yes that kid true I thought it will be a good idea"

Howl " ......"

Y/n " come on big brother you believe in me right"

Howl " sure I do" you soon walked away from your brother to go find Romulus you two older brother were trying to fife you and stop you before it was too late.

Y/n " hey Romulus can I tell you something"

Romulus " sure to head kiddo"

Y/n " well you see I have a crush on you and I was wondering if you wanted to go to dance tonight together" the whole cafeteria has gotten silent and everyone was looking at you and Romulus.

Student 3 " this is going to be sad or good"

Romulus " y/n you are great ghoul and all but I just think of you as a sister"

Y/n " oh you see I was joking around I see you as an older brother not in crush way" you were trying your best to hold back your tears.

Romulus " kid are you sure you are okay ...."

Y/n " yeah I'm fine I have to leave right now" you had turned around not see a rope about to trip you, and you soon trip hitting a cart holding messy food trays and soon you are croved in food and drinks.

Werewolf male " runt runt runt"

Werewolf's " runt runt runt" soon the whole cafeteria started chanting the world runt and laughing at you there were, some students taking pictures of you you had soon looked at saw your brother howl holding rope. You soon saw Romulus looking at you with worried look he was about to help you up but you got up in you own, now it was looking like you were crying before any monster could do anything you run out the cafeteria crying and hiding you face.

Y/n " it was stupid puppy love everyone is right"

???? " hey sis we heard what happened"

Y/n " hey claw and Clawd"

Claw " it was stupid puppy love"

Y/n " you are just saying that much you are my bother every monster already knew about it, and I also tending on fright tube so that least there some good"

Clawd " oh y/n"

Y/n " I'm going home earlier I have to get clean off and maybe I can ask mom to homeschool me or breading school will be good "

Claws " hey come on we can drive you home"

Y/n " I'm okay I can walk it will be for the best" you soon walked away from you brothers they knew it was going to take something else to make you smile again, but they knew they had to deal with some monster first. When you got home your mother had noticed and asked what happened you just told her you didn't want to talk about right now.

At the school dance

Frank " it seemed like the video was taken down because everyone was commenting on how bad they felt for you guys sister"

Claws " we tried tell her that but she didn't want to leave her room even when the other tried to get her out would cookies it didn't work"

Clawd " she has been in love with rom for long time it even made me think she had a chance with him and he loved her too"

Claw " our mother was ready to teach howl a lesson about messing with his sister like that but y/n stop her"

Drac " here comes alpha wolf boy"

Holt  " oh this is going to be fun said no monster ever"

Romulus " hey there you two are have you seen your sister I was looking for her I wanted ....."

Clawd " she is not here Romulus she is that home and why do your care she is like a sister to you"

Romulus " I didn't mean it like ...."

Claws " howl why are you here I thought mom said you couldn't go ... if you were not my brother I would teach you a lesson"

Howl " I know okay I feel bad about what I did okay I wanted to fit in ...,"

Clawd " that was to embarrass our baby sister she already deal with enough and you made it worst along with everyone else even the pack"

Claws " that it I'm heading back home I don't want to be here and have everyone asking how y/n is doing ... Romulus one more thing whatever you wanted from sister tonight and from here on then you might want to forget" claws and Clawd walked away with their friends leaving the dance altogether.

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