Male harley quinn x chubby volunteer reader x male posion ivy

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You are waiting for you two guys you help  for their regular group session with you it was Harvey Quinn and poison Evan. You were the only volunteer in this place at wanted to deal with both, Harvey and poison Evan ay the same time. Soon the door to your office opened.

Y/n " ....."

Harvey " hello angel you are looking beautiful today"

Y/n " hello Harvey"

Evan " I'm happy to see you are still willing to be with us y/n" the guys soon sit down and the guards stay outside while you start getting ready for the new session.

Harvey " so what are we going to talk about today in our session"

Y/n " well what do you guys think you two might do when you are all, done with your prison term"

Evan " maybe start a new life and be good for once in while and see where they can take us"

Y/n " that good I like what I hear"

Harvey " so y/n do you have a boyfriend out there or are you single"

Y/n " well I'm single I was dating many years ago but that end on somewhat good terms"

Evan " oh really"

Y/n " now back to you boys do you guys think you will all use your powers for good like join the justice league"

Harvey " why would they take us after what we had done"

Y/n " they have taken in many others like you boys and made them into great and good hero's and maybe, you can prove the public you boys can be good"

Evan " okay we will give it a try for you beautiful"

Y/n " thank you" the two criminals really love you and waned to see if they can be more them friends with you, but they knew they had to be good to make sure you stayed with them longer.

Cop " I'm sorry y/n but you will have to end this session shot there is someone here to see these two"

Y/n " umm sure we can make it up for next time boys"

Evan " sure sugar and if we our on best behavior this coming week will you bring us your homemade chocolate chips brownies"

Y/n " deal Evan goodbye" you soon leave the room but in your way out you had walked passed Superman and Batman, they looked at you and you looked back at them.

Superman " you are doing a great job with them miss and it seems like to paid off" before you could say anything the two superhero soon walked down the hallways. The next day in your session with the guys you and found out the guy were going to be released early, but they will be watched closely by the government for a two years and the justice league. The guys were also added to the justice league and you were the only one the guys trusted to live with them to keep them on track.

Harvey " see love we have been good even more then we all thought"

Y/n " I knew you boys will always be good and now you are new superhero's"

Evan " now come on your own us some chocolate chips brownies and maybe a good date night"

Y/n " sure guys"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now