Yandere Older alpha Damie Wayne x chubby beta reader

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He had never left your side and he will never will, as long as you can remember Damien Wayne is your somewhat guardian angel. You remember when you first meet him when his grandfather had sent up an arranged marriage between you and him.

Y/n " Damien I know you are following me"

Damien " what I promise my grandfather and yours that I will keep an eye on you"

Y/n " I don't think they meet by this Damien"

Damien " I know what the best for you love"

Y/n " my Damien"

Damien" now let's go before something else happens"

Y/n " but Damien I'm not a little kid anymore, and I"m you mate and beta you...."

Damien " you forget I'm your alpha and you do what I say"

Y/n " yes sir" Damien places his arm around your shoulder and started leading you away, from this place you wanted to visit.

Damien " I will bring you here next time love"

Y/n " okay" Damien looked straight at you with a small smile on his face.

Damien"hey cheer up my love hey why we stop to get some food will that make you happy"

Y/n " yeah" Damien kisses your right check and you blush a bit. You were smiling when you bumped straight into someone.

???? " watch where you are going chubby"

Damien" what did you say to her you fool...don't you dare speak to my mate like that" 

y/n" Damien it okay let's just go" 

Damien" hey love go inside the restaurant I will be there shortly" 

y/n" okay what are you going to do" 

Damien" just speak with him and his foolish friends" 

y/n" Yes my love please be careful" 

Damien" you know I'm always careful about things love... I will make sure to be quick about this" you go into the restaurant while Damien deals with the guys and his friends who thought it will be, a good idea to make fun of you in front of him. 

y/n" there you are hey what happened to your shirt" 

Damien" oh I just spilled something on it... hey why don't we order some food" 

y/n" oh.... okay" you soon see a few police cars passing by the restaurant window and you look straight at Damien. 

y/n" what did you do" 

Damien" hey why don't we get some dessert I hear the desserts here are super" 

y/n" Damien  what did you do" 

Damien" what I did to do to protect the women I love, now when don't we get some food and enjoy our evening" 

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now