Male padame x cuvry reader x anakin 2

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You are sitting in your private chambers brushing your hair when your bedroom door slides open, you soon saw it was padamo he had come to manderlo for a visit with your brother. They were have a political meeting but you were still happy to see him, even due you could be with him at much.

Padamo " hello love"

Y/n " hey dear" you soon looked at you husband as he looked as you taking off your daily jewelry.

Padamo " I enjoying my time on your planet and being with you and your brother"

Y/n " I just happy to see you after many months of not seeing you" padamo had pulled you close to him making you smile at him, he soon kissed you on your forehead making you blush bright red.

Padamo " I just happy to have so much need time with you"

Y/n " ......." you and padamo soon sat on a couch in your chambers and sat cuddle, you knew having a secret marriage will be hard but you didn't know it will be overwhelming at times.

Padamo " to bad anakin could be here he was called away from some mission before he could, ask for some time off"

Y/n " I know he told me earlier today but he said he was going to try again, when he could get time off and not get questioned"

???? " well you might be surprised of what I can do"You soon looked and saw anakin standing on his fighter giving you his usually smirk.

Y/n " anakin"you soon got up from couch and walked over to anakin who was holding flowers in his hands, he had a smirk on his face. Anakin gave your the flowers and looked at you with a lovely look.

Padamo " oh yeah anakin is here" padamo rolled his eyes at see anakin once again being a show off in front of you, showing he the number one husband.

Anakin " oh hey padamo you are still here"

Padamo " yep I will be here for two more days what about you anakin"

Y/n " it good to see you guys still act like children"

Padamo " hey he started it by acting like a show off once again always causing trouble"

Anakin " ay lest I can have fun verse you" you just shake your head at your husband having a argument between each other, this was not the first time they acted like this and it won't be the last. You were glad at no ones was able to hear them arguing with each other, and making fun at each other.

Y/n " come on you two be calm down before some hears you and the guards are called"

Anakin and padamo " okay" the guys had spent the night in your chambers with you but in the morning anakin had to leave and padamo had to go back to his room, at breakfast anakin and showed up saying the council sent him to check on padamo and to see how things were going.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now