Kaname x young chubby vampire reader

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You are a very young vampire in a high school and you are also the best friend of Kaname, yuko, and zero. yuko and zero knew you had a crush on Kaname and so did most of the night class, they also tease about it saying Kaname would never like a kid like you. one night you had finally worked up the courage to tell Kaname your true feels, you had made him some chocolates hoping he will accept your feelings. 

night class girl 1 " there go little miss piggy she going to tell Kaname how she feels" 

night class guy 1" he going to reject her we all know that why would a vampire-like him love kid like her" you soon found Kaname hanging out in the school courtyard, you started walking over to him that was until you saw him talking with some older vampire girl.  She was everything you were not tall, thin and near his age rang along with being popular with the whole school. That when you notice they seem to be very close and looking like a couple, and that when you could feel your heartbreak. 

yuko" hey y/n what are you looking at..." 

zero" oh Kaname and that girl' 

y/n" yeah... oh shoot he coming over here" Kaname had seen you and the guys standing there and he soon made his, over to you guys. 

Kaname" what up with you three" 

yuko" nothing" 



Kaname" hey y/n what the chocolate for" 

y/n" umm it for this guy I like in night class, I was going to meet him here tonight and give him this" 

yuko and zero" ......" 

Kaname" oh so who is your crush" 

Y/n" umm" soon the bell rang meaning that all night class students had to get back into their dorms, you soon turned around and start walking away from the guys. 

Kaname" wait y/n you never answered my question who is the lucky, guy that stole your heart" 

y/n" oh it not important hey we better get inside before the sun rises" 

Kaname" sure" you soon walked inside the girl's dormitory without saying a word to Kaname. 

the next night

you are walking around the courtyard avoiding Kaname, but you soon had run into zero and yuko. 

Zero" so hey you said anything else to him after last night" 

y/n" no I haven't" 

yuko " well he seemed worried a few hours ago, and now he been asking everyone who is your crush and no one seems to be giving him an answer" 

y/n" oh that great... hey I made extra chocolates will you guy like" 

zero" what about Kaname" 


yuko" sure I will have one y/n" yuko takes one of the chocolates out of your hand and without any of you guy see, Kaname stood there with a heartbroken look on his face. He had a small locket he was planning on giving you, he wanted to confess he really feels to you but it seems like you had your heart set for someone else. 

y/n" thank you guys for being great friends" when Kaname heard you say those words it made him feel great, which means he will have a higher chance of winning you over. Now he has many questions to ask yuko and zero of who your crush is. 

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now