Male padamo x female clone x anakim au morden

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You are walking around in your room trying to find your T-shirt for you outfit, you soon had come across the shirt you were looking for and put it on. Soon enough the house was filled of loud laughter and arguing, you were the only girl in your house of you many brothers. You attended a very different school from your brothers they all attended a military school, while you went to a public high school not to far away from them.

????? " y/n are you ready to go" you soon grabbed your school bag and ran out of you bedroom, fixing up your makeup and hair. You soon get the first floor and see your brothers standing in the kitchen and looking at you, you just them a smile.

Rex " when did you start wearing makeup baby sister"

Y/n " it just lips gloss at all and hey Ahsoka is waiting for me outside"

Kix " okay so you are not wearing makeup for a boy" when Kix had said those few words the whole room had gotten quite, you soon hear Ahsoka calling your name and you soon waved goodbye to your brothers.  You soon leave the house and see Ahsoka standing in your drive away smiling.

Ahsoka " let me guess you got the whole why you are wearing makeup deal too"

Y/n " yes and by the way you said it plo koon you with your makeup right"

Ahsoka " oh yes plo koon caught me and later told me I had to much makeup on, it just lip gloss"  you soon started walking to school with Ahsoka, when you arrived at school then when anakin and padamo showed up.

Ahsoka " oh there is lux and krotie I'm going to say hello to them... have fun with your boyfriends"

Y/n " Ashoka" soon Ashoka walked away but gave you a smirk before his got to the two guys she had a somewhat crush on leaving you alone with your boyfriends.

Anakin " hey y/n"

Y/n " hey ani"

Padamo " hello y/n you are look beautiful today"

Y/n " thank you ..... hey sky boy you bag is moving" soon anakin had opened his bag and you all soon saw his car R2d2 pop his head our of his owners bag.

Anakin " R2 how did you get in my bag again"

Padamo " really anakin can't you tell when you have ....." you soon saw something moving in padamo bag and he did the same thing as anakin, and you all soon cat padamo cat C3po pop up as well.

Y/n " you guys always seem to bring you cats to school and look who is else coming obi wan"

Obi wan " boys give me the cats I have to drop them off at the house and then to military school" yes boys had given their guardian their cats and he soon left.

Padamo " so we were wondering if we could have movie nigh at your place obi wan said, your brothers were going to be busy with some practice"

Y/n " maybe boys you don't know my brothers" when school ended anakin and padamo gave you a ride back home because you would of walked with Ashoka but she went to the library with lux and his friends. You are sitting the car with the boys laughing to some joke, when you soon turned around and saw Rex standing there with a grin on his face.

Rex " hey sis saw you sitting in this car with these unknown boys ..... so what going on here"

Kix " yeah what about going here"

Y/n " nothing just hanging out with my friends .... bye guys"

Anakin and padamo " bye y/n" you soon had gotten out of the car and pushed Rex and Kix into the house and closing the door straight away.  When you got into the house your brothers started to lecture you about you relationship, with the two random guys that they saw. After everything was done you soon had called Ashoka and told her everything she said plo koon had caught her with lux and his friends.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now