Dabi x chubby friend reader

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You are hanging out in your classroom, getting done writing the love letter you had been working on for, a while and just then, a hand was placed on your desk, and you knew who hand it is.

Y/n " oh hey Dabi" you find the love letter from Dabi even if he is your best friend you did feel, like telling you about your crush on someone.

Dabi, " what are you doing? I thought we were going to have lunch together."

Y/n " oh, I'm sorry you see, I was working on something and lost track of time."

Dabi" sure but hey I brought us some snack to eat"

Y/n " thank you" Dabi had passed you a bag of chips and some cookies, and you ate them, you soon looked at Dani who has a small smile on his face.

Y/n " hey, what are you smiling for."

Dabi " oh it nothing hey y/n I did some advice on girls.... you see I have some feels towards this girl I know, but I'm scared she might not feel the same way about me"

Y/n " what makes you think that"

Dabi " I don't know I just think she might see me as a friend or a brother I'm scared if I tell her, she will reject me, and it will be over between me and her"

Y/n " well, if you like this girl so much, and you know so much about her, you sound go up to her and tell her how you feel."

Dabi " sure I will" you had gotten up from your seat to use the bathroom, but what you didn't know, was your letter fall to the floor and Dabi had picked it up when you left the classroom.  When he read the letter, his heart started to break, you are the girl of Dabi dreams, and he didn't want to lose you to some other boy. So he took the letter and placed it in his coat pocket, and wrote down some words and asked you to meet him at the park after school he had something important to tell you. He didn't place his name on the letter, not ready to make it we'll know that he likes you more than a friend.

Later that day

You had just arrived at the park holding the note in your hand. You are waiting at the place where the letter had asked you to meet this special someone. Soon enough, you see Dabi walking over to you with a small smile on his face, at first you were shocked to see him, but you soon understood why he was here.

Dabi " hey y/n you came "

Y/n" hey Dabi... I'm guessing you are the writer of this love note."

Dabi, " yes, it was me, but you see, I had been trying to tell you how I feel, but when I saw the love letter of yours, I had a feeling I might lose you."

Y/n " Dabi ... you see the person I was writing the letter to is you... I'm s...." Dabi pulls you into a kiss on the lips and you kiss him back. He soon let's go of you and you are now looking him in the eyes with a bright smile on your face, you had fallen in love with your best friend and he fall in love with you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now