Male winx club x vampire/ witch child reader

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You are walking around the woods minding you own business it was night time, it was a warm night everything was going well for you until you heard someone talking. You soon heard running footsteps and before you could do anything some one had ran into you, almost knocking you to the floor but yo caught yourself.

Y/n " excuse me are you okay" you opened your eyes to see a blonde hair boy looking at you, you soon help him back into his feet.

????? " I'm so sorry about that I didn't mean to run into you"

Y/n " it okay" you soon see three evil vampire boys show up in front f you and the blonde guy, you soon see the random guy look shocked and ready to fight.

Stello " hey leave her alone she doesn't have any part on this"

vampire male 1 " well she going to ...."

Y/n " you are going to leave right now all three of you or else"

Vampire male 2 " aww this the little hybrid going to ..... lady y/n"

Y/n " yes it and last thing I remember you have to follow any order my higher vampire nobles or royal members, now leave before I tell my uncles you are breaking many laws"

Vampire male 3 " fine we will be back for you fairy princes boy" the three vampire soon leave and now you are alone with the random boy you ran into.

???? " thank you for saving me there ....."

Y/n " the name is y/n and what would your name be"

Stello " my name is stello"

Y/n " well stello it was nice meeting you but I have to get going please stay safe"

Stello " thank you and please stay safe as well" you soon walked away from stello you were hoping deep down that you, will meet him once again but you didn't know you will be meeting more people as well. 

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now