Batfamily x short daugther reader x superman family 2

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You are walking around in your bedroom trying to find the perfect, shirt for tonight. You are going to the movies with a guy friend with you, so after a while you found a perfect shirt and put it on. When you opened your door you ran into Conner and dick.

Y/n " oh hey"

Conner " hey to you as well, so where are you going tonight"

Y/n " oh to the movies with a guy friend of mines"

Dick " is if a date or just a hangout"

Y/n " we are just hanging out and the rest if my guys friends will be there, as well so we will be fine"

Conner " do dads know you are going on this hangout"

Y/n " yeah das gave me twenty dollars for food, if we get any after the movie"

Dick " okay" soon the doorbell rang and you it knew it was your friends, you were all going to take the bus there and later have everyone parents picked them up later.

Y/n " bye see you later tonight"

Dick " okay have fun" you soon ran out of the manor and joined your friends outside, and soon enough you all walked away.

In the bat cave

Dick " how could you allow her to go out with some guys and not say no":

Batman" I have meet those boys and they seem very nice, and it her choice if she wants to be someone more to one of them"

Dick " me and Conner haven't meet them and it seem like you and Superman, are the allow ones who get to control her life"

Batman " last time I remember dick me and Clark are her fathers....":

Dick " no you are all her grandfathers not her fathers"

Batman " well as I remember it the both of you were not ready to be fathers, and then we decided we will raise y/n as our child not yours"

Dick " she going to know sooner to later"

Batman " that not important now and if you tell her you will break her heart":

Dick " ......."

Batman " now go do your portal now and leave the girl alone"dick walked away angry about the whole conversation, and he knew Conner didn't have a better conversation with Clark.

Watch tower

Conner " you and Bruce are enjoying every day on this having her, call you dads when you are nothing but her grandfather"

Clark " well Conner as I recall me and Bruce were there for her more then, you two"

Conner " we were young and didn't know ....."

Clark " I'm sick of hearing that excuses if you all wanted to be super dads, you would of step up and did it but no you all went on the so called mission every time thing got hard"

Conner " you don't know how it feel to be....."

  Clark " what Conner broken and hurt of yes son I do know, how it feel I'm been feeling like that since you mother had dead all those years ago and so dose Bruce"

Conner " I will tell her the whole truth"

Clark " you won't tell her because if you do tell you will have to tell her, why you didn't fight for her when the plan was made all those years ago"

Conner " she will understand"

Clark " no she won't and she will be mad at everyone"

Conner " so what do you want us to do start a new life and forget she our first child, and just have more children and forget her"

Clark " son I can't help you with that but whatever you and dick do, it will have some good or bad results I hope you can live with that"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now