Cheater heiji x chubby reader x kudo shinichi

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You are hanging out with your bests kudo and Rachel, they had invited you to a
fair with them after you told them your boyfriend Heiji bailed on your for another date.

Rachel " are you sure things are great between you and heiji "

Y/n " I really don't know Rachel I have been trying everything, but it seems every time when I'm with him he seems not interested"

Rachel  " hey maybe he focuses on a major case"

Kudo " I don't think so nothing majorly as happened, with crime lately",

Rachel " hey maybe kudo can talk with him and see what the matter":

Y/n " okay"

Kudo " I will see what I can find about heiji"

Rachel " if he breaks your heart I will beat him up good for you"

Y/n " thank you Rachel" you and your two friends started to have a wonderful time, that was until you saw heiji and you heart started to beat happy and fast. That was until you saw him kissing some other girl and you were not the allow one who saw him Rachel and kudo did as well.

Kudo " heiji what are you doing"

Heiji " y/n it's not what it seems"

Rachel " then tell us what is happening here"

Kudo " you are cheating on y/n the most wonderful girl me and Rachel know, and you are here lying to her about it"

Heiji " I'm sorry y/n please....."

Y/n " I won't forgive you heiji and I never want to see you again, it over between us"

Heiji " no y/n please...." just then kudo pinned heiji yo the ground hard and fast, while Rachel was holding you close to her. You both soon walked away from the scene with kudo not far behind.

Two hours later

You, Rachel, and kudo are that his house your now ex has been calling you nonstop asking for forgiveness and second chance. Rachel has left you and kudo alone in the living room as she makes dinner.

Kudo " I'm sorry you had to find out the truth like that y/n"

Y/n " it okay kudo I had a feeling for the worst"

Kudo " maybe someday you will meet mister right and he will make you happy":

Y/n " I hope so"

What kudo said was right because in a few months he had asked you out on a date, and you agreed and soon enough the both of you started dating. Years later he had asked you to marry him and you said yes, Rachel was happy for the both of you. That you both found happiness and it was with each other, and he was glad to see a smile on your face again all because of kudo.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now