Male apple white x chubby witch reader

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You attend ever after high with all the other children of fairy tale royals and rebels, but you cam say you were not a royal you were more a rebel due to your mother being a witch. You were best friends with rove king the son of the evil king and max hatter the son of the mad hatter. There were some other rebels you were friends with and you were some friends, with some royal as well who were Ashton white the son of Shan white and dexter charming the son of Prince Charming.

Ashton " hey y/n there you are"

Y/n " oh hey Aston"

Ashton " y/n there is something I been meaning to ask you"

Y/n " okay Ashton what do you have to ask me"

Ashton " you see Cupid is holding a true hearts day dance... and you see I was wondering if you want to come with me ..
as  my date"

Y/n " yes " you and yelled yeas out loudly getting everyone who was still in the hallways attention you soon, started blushing red but you saw Ashton was smirking at you.

Y/n " I mean yes I will love to come with you as your date"

Ashton " super hey meet we outside of the school gates and we can walk there together"

Y/n " sure see you ten Ashton"

Ashton " see you soon my dear princes" Ashton winks at you and soon walks away making you smile and almost lose your balance.

Rove " oh we saw that"

Y/n " ....."

Max " aww it cute that Ashton finally asked you out on a date y/n it mad"

Y/n " guys I think I might ruin this date and he will never speak to me again and hate me forever"

Rove " don't worry love you won't mess up and hey we will be there as backup just in case something happens"

Y/n " okay " after classes were done everyone was getting ready for the true hearts day dance, while you were getting ready you were having some negative feels about this whole date. You soon walked to the school gate with your friends and some other students same you saw Ashton standing there.

Ashton " wow .... you look so beautiful"

Y/n " thank you and you look handsome" you and Ashton walk over to the true hearts day dance laughing and talking about random things, during the whole dance you were hanging out with Ashton and all your guys friends.

Ashton " y/n I know this might come out of the blew but I was wondering if you will become my girlfriend and become my true hearts day love forever"

Y/n " I will love two Ashton" Ashton soon pulled you into a kiss on the lips making you bright red, after that day you and Ashton become a couple and he didn't care if you were rebel because you were dull his queen no matter what.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now