Male maleficent x chubby witch reader

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You are the devoted and loyal wife of maleficento he as very loving husband when he not shutting himself off from you inside her personal chamber. There were times when he didn't even speak with your for weeks on end, you will only see him when you were bringing him his dinner or supplies you had collected for him.

Y/n " hey honey are you okay in there I haven't seen you in while I brought you some food and something to drink"

Maleficento " what do you need"

Y/n " oh hey dear I brought you something to eat and drink I can bring it in for you"

Maleficento " no I'm okay just hang it over now and leave"

Y/n " are you sure it looks like your ...."

Maleficento " just give me the food or just leave" before you could do anything he takes the tray of food and drink way from you and closed the door using his magic. You stand there hurt by his words he had never acted out like this and he was not the man you remembered.

Y/n " I will downstairs in the library if you need me love" you here no response from maleficento so you soon walked away upset about the whole conversation.

Y/n " why dose he always have to be so ...... I missed the old times when he was sweet and love being around me"

Y/n " I still love him and I can't just walk away from him" you are reading a book minding you own business but you are still worried about maleficento. You had decided to go for a walk but you didn't tell your husband will you be gone because after what happened, you just wanted to leave him alone.

Hours later

Y/n " fine back and it started to get worse with the rain" You are walking up the steps when you hear footsteps walking around in a circle.

????? " she left me she left me because I didn't give her enough love she left me for someone else"

Y/n " mal love what the matter" you followed the sound earlier and found maleficento in his office but he seemed very upset about something, when you turned towards you. You looked at his face and it seemed like he was crying for while you soon walked over to him but maleficento soon hugged you tightly.

Maleficento " I thought you left me when I went to go look for you I couldn't find you, and when I called out your make you didn't respond "

Y/n " I just went for walk you seemed busy with your work so I left without telling you"

Maleficento " I'm sorry I shouldn't of been rude to your like at you were just trying to be a loving wife"

Y/n " my love it okay but when you are feeling upset like at again please come talk with me and I will help you"

Maleficento " I really don't deserve you at time my lovely and beautiful wife, but I will keep at promise to you and speak with you when I feel down"

Y/n " great my love now come on let go to bed you need much rest if you are going, to finish you project"

Maleficento " yes my love I will enjoy a good night rest when you are laying right next to me" you and maleficento walked away together hand in hand. Maleficento did keep true to his promise and talked with you when he felt down and showed you how much her loved you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now