Clone tropper x young female clone tropper

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Clone troopers you had live all your life knowing at all clone trooper were created as males, the perfect example of jango feat and there was you the only female clone that grew at a smaller rate. Some of the clones your brothers had expected you and called you sister or little sis. While the others who hated you didn't even look at you or speak with you, and they called your failure but you were happy when the Jedi council stood up for you and allowed you to live your life.

Kix " hey kiddo guess what we are going on mission and you will be helping me with the medic part"

Y/n " really Kix I thought I would not come"

Kix " well the generals thought it will be for the best"

Y/n " okay I will go back some medical supplies"

Kix " okay" you ran away from Kix with a bright smile on your face you can't wait to show everyone, you can be useful and brave like you older brothers.

Kix pov

I'm going to miss the smile she gives me and I know what I'm going to help do will haunt me for the rest of my life, but sis please forgive and your will never have no one nightmare of feel anymore betrayal.

End of Kix pov

You had ran into hard case and Tup and when you told them the news they smiled at your and tup pat you on your head, messing with your hair. You soon left them to go get your helmet but you didn't see techie sad expression on their faces as you ran away happy.

Y/n " ......"

Anakin " hello little sis"

Y/n " hello general skywalk and general obi won"

Obi won " I'm guessing you have heard the wonderful news about your mission":

Y/n " yes I can't wait I can't believe I'm going to prove myself to my older brothers, and I'm happy that Rex, fives, and Kix are letting me go .... even Cody as well"

Anakin " well little one your better go get your helmet before we have to leave"

Y/n " yes sir" you soon ran off into the storage room and found your helmet.

Anakin " I hope the council is right about this"

Obi won " ......"

Anakin " if they are wrong they are going to destroy the man even more"

On the planet

You are wondering around the planet with Rex, fives, Kix, Cody, and Hard case you were so happy to see a planet away from base.

Rex " hey kid why don't you go ahead of us we will be there shortly"

Y/n " okay" you walked up the hill and saw the most beautiful views that you could see you soon take off your helmet, to see even more things.

Y/n " maybe they were  wrong along I do belong somewhere and my brothers, love me they will never betray me" you soon feel baluster blot hir your right arm breaking threw your armor. You turned around to see Rex and fives pointing their gun at you.

Y/n " what going on if I did something wrong I'm sorry" you soon are hit in your left leg and you see soon see hard case and Cody pointing their guns at you.

Y/n " please stop I'm your sister you guys are my brothers"

Cody " I'm sorry y/n but it has to be done we need peace in the galaxy" they start shooting at you again you are hit a few times, and you soon run the best you can maybe your brothers are under some sith control. Yes that is true because they care for you to much to kill you.

Y/n " generals ... anyone I think there something wrong with the others"

?????" ......"

Y/n " hello anyone there please I ...."

????? " sis it me Kix I'm coming okay stay where you are"

Y/n " okay"

End of comlink

You had soon fall to the floor bleeding from where you had been shot, but you soon see Kix coming over to you he soon picks you up and carries you into cave.

Y/n " something wrong with the other Kix they started shootings at me ... Kix what going on brother what wrong"

Kix " I'm so sorry y/n I'm really I'm"

Y/n " Kix please help me"

Kix " I'm nut please close your eyes and think about something wonderful okay and I will all be over"

Y/n " okay" you close you eyes believing your brother will save you and soon the both of you will save the others,you feel Kix hug you and you hug him back.

Y/n " my wonderful moment is when I meet all my brother and the generals .... you help me prove them wrong you all care about me and I'm not a failure.... Kix tell them I forgive them and .... Kix I forgive you as well .... thank you brother for saving me"

Kix " it will all be over shortly close your eyes sis and it will be over and we will be back home on base"

Y/n " peace in the galaxy fr you and the others" Kix soon placed his blaster to you back and counted down to one and soon fired his weapon ending your life there. He soon look at you face to see you had kept your eyes closed and had tears running down, your face and small smile on your face. Kix soon picked up your lifeless and small boy cover to small grave he had made for you that over look the beautiful planter and all it nature.

Kix "......" he soon buried your body and walked out of the cave without your body with, he looked broken.

Kix " she did her best to fight to live you all know right ..... this better been the right thing because now she is gone"

Clones " ......." none of the clones said nothing and soon left the area no one even saying dam word, as they got far away from where you once stood alive and happy.

Anakin " Rex is it done"

Rex " yes sir it done .... if you excuse I'm going to tell the man the news"

Anakin " yes Rex" none of the clones spoken for while everyone seems to be shocked state, some clones were not able to look the generals in the face for while.

Somewhere else

???? " they did what you said I can't believe that fall for it"

???? " now she will be under our control once again"

???? " all thanks to clones and the Jedi"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now