Deku x chubby wife x bakuguo x todorick

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You are in the kitchen making three boxes lunch's for your three husbands, they are the top three hero's you had know them since you were all younger. Soon your friendship with deku, Bakugou, and Todorick had grown into more of romance feeling. Once you all had graduated from school a few years later the guys had asked you to marry them and you said yes. Your didn't have many powerful quirks like your husbands but you still were able to become, some type of hero with your powers.

Y/n " okay now that the food is ready the guys will be on there break I'm a few minutes, and I had made enough for four so we can maybe have a lunch date" you soon packed the boxed lunches into a bag and left the house to the place where your husbands worked.

????? " hey there good looking what are you doing here" you soon saw your husbands standing in front of you with their usual smirk.

Y/n " oh hey I just came to drop off some lunch and wonder if you guys wanted a lunch date"

Deku " I love having lunch dates with you honey"

Todorick " having lunch with you is better at times then eating alone, while these two are busy with portal or their fans"

Bakugou " don't be so jealous just become we have more fans then you half and half" you smile at you husbands while they talk with each other.

Deku " come one let go have lunch in the park"

Y/n " okay" deku warped his arm around you as you two walked away from Bakugou and todorick who soon, relished you both where gone and soon caught up with you two in the park.

Todorick " I still can't believe in a few weeks it will be our third year wedding celebration"

Y/n " oh yeah we have been married for three years coming up soon"

Bakugou " it still amazes me at you still married us after all the trouble and danger at came our way"

Y/n " hey I still would of married you guys no matter what had happened during our teen years and now adulthood"

Deku " good I'm happy to be married to you y/n it has brought in some many happy memories"

Y/n " I love being married to you three and hey to tell all my old classmates I'm married to the three top number hero's" the guys smile and laugh at your comment soon the guys lunch break had come to an end and you told them, you will see them at home as the rushed away to go deal with some criminals at a bank.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now