male young justices x chubby young plant reader ( daugther of poison Evan)

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image Artemis and miss martini as males in this one.  

You are living in this giant greenhouse of the villain poison Evan, you see he made out of few flower plants and had brought you to life. His plan was to make a group of plant-like people and run his own society. You were the only one that survived for a very long time and soon became somewhat daugther to him. He had forbidden you from ever leaving the greenhouse, but you soon were able to talk him into letting you attended this private school not too far from the house. 

????" hey y/n" you are just walking onto the school trying you because to hide the dirty on your legs. 

Y/n" hey guys" you turned around to see six guys you are friends with and they are also around, that same age as you. 

Dick" why did you come from" 

y/n" what...." 

wally" he means by the dirty on your legs and socks" 

y/n" oh well a dog jumped on me when I was walking to school" 

corner" oh" 

y/n" yeah so who was the trip you all went on yesterday afternoon when you all left during the fourth period"

Apollo( Artemis)" oh it was great" 

mat( Megan)" yeah we are sorry we had to leave you alone" 

y/n" it okay" 

ka-al" yeah but hey what did we miss during class" 

y/n" nothing much just a few notes you guys can copy them, class, today, we have a study period anyway" 

guys" sure" you and the guys walk into the school and start the school day, you had yet to tell the guys the truth about you and your uncle. Soon the school day went by in and flash and soon, enough you and the guys are hanging out in the courtyard trying to find out what to do after school. 

Dick" so y/n what..." 

????" there you boys are" 

Dick" Oh hey bruce" 

Bruce Wayne" hey boys I came here to get you there something important going, down" 

Wally" sure" 

????"who are you lady friend here" 

wally" hey berry this is our friend y/n" 

y/n" hey" 

Corner" hey y/n we are sorry we have to ...." just then your phone started to ring and you knew it was your dad Evan calling you. 

y/n" hello... yes... I know.. okay, I will be home shortly" you hang up the phone fast and looked at the guys and two older males. 

y/n" it okay I have to get home, my uncle needs at the house right now" 

Apollo" Is everything okay" 

y/n" yeah everything is fine I just have to get home, and talk with my dad ...before he leaves for his trip bye... it nice meeting you two" you soon got up from the ground and started walking away. You had taken a short cut to the greenhouse to see your father and uncle Harvey Quinn standing there. 

Y/n" hello" 

Harvey " hey kiddo how was school" 

y/n" great I'm guessing you both are going to do some crime business" 

Evan" yes we are and I need to watch the plant and your uncle wants you to take care of his hyenas" 

y/n" yes father I will" 

Evan" if we get caught you know what to do, and there money in the valet for you...and also your uncle black cat left his wild cats here as well he had paid you early to watch them" 

y/n" yes father" 

Harvey " thank you kiddo"

y/n" any time uncle and father... I hope to see you soon" 

Evan" you will see you soon my rose" your father and uncle soon leave you, and you see the hyenas looking at you sadly. 

Y/n " come on boys let me get your dinner" you walk into the house and close the right behind you. You soon see your uncle two male lions, black panter, cheetah looking at you, you give each one of them a pat on the head. 

y/n" well boys it looks like you, me and the plants for the next couple of days or weeks" you give each animal their daily meal and you soon water each planet and give them their planet food. 

y/n" I bet no other girl at school can say their life is like this" after you do your daily chores you soon head to your bedroom, that your father had made for you along with the help of your uncles to give you a teenage life. One of your uncle hyenas comes running into the room looking at you, he soon starts pulls at your shoe tells you that someone is that the front door. 

y/n" hide all of you" when you got to the door you clapped your hands and all the animals hide fast, it was a trick you had went over with them after that time when you had ordered a pizza and the hyenas chased the poor pizza boy. 

y/n" hey..."

Alfred" hello miss  y/n I'm a friend of dick he had asked me to drop off your school bag, that you left when you rushed off" 

y/n" thank you, sir" Alfred gives your bag while you yell at your self in your mind for leaving your things behind. One of the hyenas might of pick up his scent and start running over to the door but, you soon stop him with your leg. 

Alfred" well goodbye miss" 

y/n" goodbye" you soon closed the door fast and look straight at the hyena who now looking, at you trying his best not to get scolded at. 

y/n" bad kovi don't do that again or you will get us in trouble" kovi soon walks away and goes back to running around in the greenhouse. You soon hed back to your room and start doing some work on your laptop that you grab out of your bag. 

y/n" umm" you start a feel a bit unwell and you get from your bed and, get a drink of energy that your father had made for you, which keeps you healthy and stops your power from overtaking you or even killing you. 

y/n" I hate my life that times" 

somewhere else 

Batman" Alfred did you notice anything weird about where the girl's life " 

Alfred" No sir I didn't but she is a very nice girl I can see why the young master and his friends kept her a secret from you all" 

Aqua man" They would have told one of us about their female friend" 

green martini" Maybe they didn't feel right to tell us yet and she seems to be very important to them"

Flash" he is right and she seems to do in danger while being friends with the boys" 

superman" We if ask the boys about her they might tell us" 

green arrow" they are boys they are not going to tell us anything about her" 

batman" sure" 

aqua man" what if she lives in a greenhouse attached to a house, she not living in a weird place" 

batman" sure so who wants to ask the boy first" all the male superheroes looked at each other each, wanting to ask the boys who were you and what you really meant to them. The biggest question of all who were you speaking with over the phone. 

if you guys like this and want me to keep on making more parts these or maybe making it into a book, please comment below and I will see what I can do. 

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now