Bat family x broken daugther x super man family 2

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You soon open your eyes to see you are in a giant bedroom, that is well decorated you soon get out of bed and notice you normal clothes had changed into fantasy looking dress. Soon enough the door open and you are ready to find out what is happing and why are you here.

????? " oh you are finally wake goddesses" you see four ladies come into the room and they soon now at your feet, a,omg you wonder what is happing.

Y/n " excuse me can you please tell me what going on and what this is place"

Lady 1 " well goddesses you fall from the sky and land here on the planet of Anope and you are in the kingdom of the golden havens "

Y/n " Thank you ..l what happened to the clothes I was once wearing"

Lady 2 " we got rid of the goddesses the princes thought it was bad for someone life you to be wearing ripped clothes like that"

Y/n " who are these princes you speak about"

Lady 3 " they are waiting to meet you goddesses we are all so happy that you are here"

Lady 4 " come with us and we will show your our rulers"

Y/n " sure " you soon follow the four ladies into this throne room and soon notice two males standing in the front, along with some other people and once they see you they all bow.

Y/n " you don't have to bow" soon the two rulers get up and walk over to you while everyone stays bowing.

????? " we are so glad you are here goddesses...."

Y/n " you can call me y/n"

????? " yes goddesses y/n"

Y/n " why I'm here and why are you all calling me goddesses"

???? " the gods brought you to us after they saved you from danger and now we live to serve you, and hope you can help us as well"

???" My name is Lusca and this is my twin brother Abalim and we are the ruler of the Ezo people of this planet"

Abalim " everyone leave now we must speak to the goddesses alone" soon everyone left the room and now you are alone with the two princes and they soon start explain things to you. While they are explaining everything to you deep down you are wondering if anyone know you are missing or if they were going to come find you but you knew no one was going to come find you.

Lusca " please y/n we need your help our people and our planet are in danger and we think you are, the savior we need so will you help us"

Y/n " I will try by best your majesty with the skills and the powers at I have"

Abalim " thank you so much" the two princes smile at you and you smile back at them maybe this planet need you help more than earth, and maybe you can find some peace in your life even do you might not be able to go back home and see everyone again. Maybe you were giving them all what they all wished and hoped for in life for you to be gone from their loved forever,

Y/n " where do we start"

This might become a book called the broken girl who become a goddesses the book will have some time skips. If you all want to know more about the book please comment below.

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