Romumlus x cuvry werewolf reader

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You have been doing your best to avoid you crush since you were ten every since he started going to monster high, his name is Romulus and he was very close friends with all of you brothers. Now that he was going here it was hard for you to fake not having a crush on him.

Romulus " hey there y/n I have been looking for you for while"

Y/n " oh hey rom and everyone else" you and saw Romulus was once again with three of his boys, that were standing right behind him.

Romulus " well y/n I was wondering if ...."

Claws " Romulus what is happing over here it seem like you are looking down on my sister"

Romulus " I'm not doing anything bad claws I just was going to ask her a question"

Y/n " I'm sorry but I have class in a few minutes and I don't want to be late"

Romulus " hey I walk you to class and maybe I can ask you the question, I had been trying to ask you"

Y/n "umm sure" you had started walking down the hallways of monster high with Romulus, what you didn't notice was Romulus looking at your brother and his friends who gave him a smirk and thumbs up. You are walking down the hallways of monster high, with a few ghouls giving you a evil glare because you knew Romulus was one of the new mansters on campus that all the ghouls wanted to date.

Romulus " hey so are you going to the school dance this Friday if you do .... do you have a date yet"

Y/n "well yes I'm going I was planing to go alone or just tag along with claws and his friends"

Romulus " hey why don't you go to the dance with me"

Y/n " umm sure I will love to"

Romulus " sure I will see you at the dance"

Y/n " okay see you then" you soon waved goodbye to Romulus and walked into your classroom, Romulus was trying his best not to show everyone how over excited he was about going on a date with you. So he was acting cool and standing there with a smirk on his face.

With Romulus and your brothers

Clawd " okay lets get this straight if you go on a date with our baby sister you better not do something stupid, ay o wlll later have to fight you about during the dance or after"

Romulus " I promise I won't do anything stupid I really like you sister and I'm happy she said yes"

Claws " yes we are all happy but know we will be watching closely and if you do anything we don't like we will be telling you"

Howls " hey you make our sister happy so we will give you some chances rom"

Romulus " I will take that" Romulus soon walked away from your brothers still smirking at he finally got a date with you, and that your brothers had proved of the relationship. You could say the dance with Romulus was good and you had a great time with him, he late asked you on another date and you said yes to him because you were starting to think something special was happing between the two of you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now