Prince cadance x female unicorn reader x shinninh armor

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You are sitting in the garden looking at a photo album of your wedding to your two best friends and boyfriends prince cadence and shining armor. You were so happy when they had asked you to marry them. You had been childhood friends with them for many years.

???? " hey what are you looking at beautiful"

Y/n " oh, hey shinning, oh just the pictures of our wedding."

Shining armor " oh" shining armor soon sat down right next to you and started looking at the pictures with you.

Shinning armor, " that was some wedding I still remember when the fight broke out between us the changelings."

Y/n " oh yeah, that was something, but hey, we had fun when we got to redo the wedding and a few days later."

Shining armor, " yeah, but I'm happy we finally got to have the wedding you had been planning."

???? " what are you two doing" you and shining armor stopped looking at the wedding pictures and saw prince cadence standing there with a smirk in his face.

Y/n " oh hey cadence"

Prince cadence " what are you two doing here"

Shining armor " well y/n here was looking at he the photos from the wedding and I was looking, over them with her"

Prince cadence " oh the wedding"

Y/n " you know everyone doesn't blame you for what happened you thought he came to make peace,but it seemed like he didn't"

Prince cadence " thank you love now come one let's continue to look at these pictures"

Y/n " sure" prince cadence soon sits down and the all three of you start looking at the pictures and laugh at, a few pictures that brought up a few good memories.

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