Male padama x cuvry reader

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You are so happy because your childhood friend padamo is coming to your home plant for a visit, you haven't seen him since he start of the galaxy war. Your are the princess of your planet and the baby sister to the ruling king your older brother, when the war started your home planet decided to stay neutral in the war.

Y/n " I can't believe he is finally coming .... I haven't seen in many moons"

Droid " my lady your friend the senator os Naboo is here" you soon walked out of your room and into the garden to see, your old best friend standing there.

Y/n " padamo welcome back my dear friend"

Padamo " hello y/n I have missed you so much"

Y/n " I'm so happy you finally came back here when the war started I never saw you again, until now but I'm happy you are here"

Padamo " well I decided it was time to come see my friend and see how everything has changed" you had developed a crush for padamo when you busy were younger, but didn't have the courage to tell him you like him.

Y/n " well come on I will show you where you and your friends will be staying, my brother is stay from while he will be missing your visit"

Padamo " okay my dear" you and padamo walked into the palace but what you didn't notice he made some hand singles to a male Jedi and a male clone. You and spent most the day with your old childhood friend and get caught up on the times you had missed with each other.

Later that night

Y/n " the sith are wrong about the republic they are nice and won't use a person for anything"

???? " I can't believe you were able to get her to allow you to come here and see her.... but all that acting you did with her saying you missed her was funny padamo" you were walking to padamo room because you were finally going to tell him how you feel.

Padamo " Anakin shut up okay she my dear friend"

Anakin " sure then why don't you tell her we are here because her dear older brother, might be doing something bad and you are just using her to buy us some time to see the truth" when you heard those words your whole world came chasing down, he only came to see you over some rumor and using your friendship with him to get what he wants.

???? General I have yet to find anything on her or her brother it seems like they are really, good people"

Anakin " keep on checking Rex you can never trust a sith lover like her and her people"you soon had gotten mad and open the door leading into the room fast having, it slam into the wall getting everyone attention on you,

Y/n " so you only came here to spy on me and my family to see if me and my people are sith lovers"

Padamo " how long have you ...."

Y/n " I heard everything padamo and I finally thought I got my friend back, but now I see I was just being used"

Anakin " please I ...."

Y/n " jedi master Anakin you and your trooper are welcome to spend the night here, but in the morning you and padamo will have to leave right away"

Padamo " please y/n I came here to see you and talk with you, I missed you all these years"

Y/n " I'm not falling for that lie again padamo .... goodnight to all of you"

Padamo " wait y/n please we ...." you closed the door leading into the room and order the guards to make sure, no one left this room until the morning.

The next morning

You were trying to avoid see padamo and his friends off but luck will not be on your side that morning, because padamo had showed up right in front of you.

Y/n " I thought your left this morning"

Padamo " I didn't want to leave yet because I want to say I'm sorry for what happened last night, I did come here to see if those rumors are true because I worry about you and I love you my dear friend"

Y/n " padamo I love you as well but ...."

Padamo " then give me a second try and become part of the republic if you wish and if you don't that won't, stop me from coming to see you my love" padamo had kissed you on the checks making you blush and hide your face in your hands making, padamo laugh at you. What you didn't notice was the jedi and the clone trooper watching from far smiling, that they were able to get padamo to finally tell you how he felt.

Soon you and padamo become a couple and when your brother found out he was happy with it because you were happy with someone, and he knew padamo will never hurt you or break your heart.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now