Arthur x curvy witch x male morgana

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Ever since you arrived in Camelot you could say you life here has been having it ups and down, and since you join your wizard cousin Merlin here you can say everything become more interesting. The both of you coming here to Camelot to save King Arthur and everyone else. You had become the maid servant for prince Arthur and the male ward of king Uther Morgano. Your could say you first weeks here were not easy but soon enough you had gotten used to living in Camelot and hiding your powers.

Y/n " so tell me again why are you all out here"

Arthur " because y/n dear we are looking for something"

Merlin " is something important to Uther"

Morgano " hey it gives us time to be with you all and not have Uther around telling us what to do"

Lancelot " so when you are going to tell the all and might Uther that you two are in love and in relationship with our dear y/n here"

Y/n " Lancelot"

Lancelot "what hey one of us was going to ask it anyways"

Merlin " yes your majesty's as must as I like see my baby cousin happy I want to know if you all really love her"

Arthur " we do love her and we love her so much we have to protect her from my father"

Leon " right because if he found out he will think y/n here is witch and have her killed" you and Merlin looked at each the only two people who knew about your magic was, Gauis and Lancelot and they promise to never tell anyone.

Y/n " if we are going to my relationship what you dear knight about you boys relationships, and you as well my dear older cousin"

Merlin " you alway win when you do that"

Y/n " I know"

Gwaine " hey we are not that bad'

Y/n " are you sure about that because I remember two night ago I had to go after everyone here when they thought it was good idea pm to for to the taverns and drinks you all yourselves silly"

Everyone " oh"

Morgano " see this is why we love you because you will always come after us no matter what, and still love us"

Y/n " yes I will care for you all no matter what time goes past because you all mean a lot to me, now come on let's get this mission over with so we can go back home and see what trouble we can get into"

Arthur " yes my queen" you just roll your eyes and walked away trying not to laugh because all the guys were doing the laughing for you.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now