Male bell x cuvry beast reader

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It  was many year ago when a unfair cures was placed on you, making you into a beast you had already felt bad about your body and now you have something else to bring you down. You had locked yourself away in your castle only have a few things that kept you busy from your curse which was your garden, the castle library, and the magical rose given to you. The fair who place the cruse on you knew it was unfair and tried her best to undo hue spell, but it was to late the only way the cruse will broken if you found true love from someone and yourself.

Y/n " no is everyone going to love me" that night a man had come to your castle trying get some shelter and end up stealing one of your books, making you mad at someone will steal from you after your allowed him to stay at you castle. A few hours later the old man son arrived to save his old father and to repay for his father mistake.

Benjamin " I really love you castle y/n and you look beautiful this morning"

Y/n " thank you Benjamin you are a very nice man"

Benjamin " so I was wondering if I could help you plant some new flowers in your garden"

Y/n " how did you find out ...."

Benjamin " oh miss tea pot told me about your beautiful garden and showed me, and she also showed me the new flowers you haven't planet yet"

Y/n " oh .... if you excuse me I have something to attend to feel free to find something to entertain yourself today"

Benjamin " wait please don't leave I didn't mean to make you feel ...." you soon left the dining room fast and closed the door behind you, you soon rushed off to where you kept the magical rose.

Y/n " how could a man like him love a ugly creature like me.... he the most handsome man I have seen and he been so nice to me maybe it a trick" after hours of hiding away you decide to go visit your garden and see, what flowers need more attention today,

Benjamin " oh hello y/n"

Y/n " ....."

Benjamin " I thought I could be helpful by help planet some of your flowers"

Y/n " thank you"

Benjamin " so where were you like these white rose to be placed"

Y/n " just near the red rose I will help you plant them" you had helped Benjamin plant the white rose, during the whole day you guys spent time in the garden having a great time with him. Soon enough you had become very close with Benjamin and started, to hang out with him even more.

Benjamin " I know this might not be he right moment to tell you ... I love you"

Y/n " ......."

Benjamin " if you don't feel the same way y/n I can understand" You soon kissed Benjamin on her lips and he kissed you  back, and soon the cruse that was place on you was undone because you had found true love and found love for yourself.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now