Arthur x witch reader x knight of camelot

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You can say your life in Camelot had some ups and downs when you first arrived, you were just a unknown female servant and the niece of Gauis the court physician. Soon you started developing a relationship with prince Arthur and a few of the knights of Camelot. With your relationship with prince Arthur and a knight Leon you relationship had to be a secret due to uther still being alive, and hating the idea of nobles marrying common people. There was a secret marriage between you and the guys, which was only know my gaius and Gwen.

Y/n " you know for man of honor and knight hood, they are bad at keeping there clothes from getting ruined" you are sewing up from so the knights robes most the ones of your husbands.

Gwen " oh there you are y/n"

Y/n " oh hey Gwen"

Gwen " it seems like you have your hands full of work"

Y/n " yes even if I'm secretly married to the prince and knight they still find a away to,mess with my emotions"

Gwen " I still take believe you end up with them in the end"

Y/n " hey I love them and they love me back"

Gwen " I just wishes your could have a other wedding and have the people know of your love for them"

Y/n " Gwen as much as I have dream about at you know uther and when he find out I'm married to his son

Gwen " none of them will allow at to happen and I won't let it happen you have saved my life many times, and you soon told your your greatest secret of having magic"

Y/n " I know but I wish events at had happened never took place and he could be here as well with all of us"

Y/n " I know you miss Morgono I was happy when you told me of your relationship with him"

Gwen " you were the only one I could tell that won't juge me I already lost my father and brother, because of uther you are the only family I have left"

Y/n " I will not let anything happen to you I made a promise I to your brother and you are my best friend .... I promise I you I will do whatever I can with my magic to bring Morgono back to us and so you can be happy with him"

Gwen " I will like at ...... come on will help you with the work because there seems to be a lot here" you and Gwen got to work and talked with each other.

Later at night

Arthur " hey beautiful"

Y/n " hello my dear husbands you all just missed Gwen"

Leon " oh yeah we saw her walking away we walked her towards the castle gates, she told us you will be in here"

Lancelot " sorry we have been busy all day but we are happy to be near you now"

Y/n " I understand"

Arthur " so will it be find if we stay for dinner"

Y/n " yes it will be fine" the guys had joined your for dinner you could yell they were enjoying the moment but along with you, they were also worried about Gwen. You knew where Gwen was going at night she was going to meet her husband Morgono in the woods.

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