Yandere male winx club x cuvry witch x yandere specialists

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You had never thought you best friends will soon become overprotective then they were normal were, it seemed like they knew you every move. Even when you had thought you had seemed away one of them was not far behind you, and you will,be larger taken back to your room and locked in there until you learn your lesson to not break the rules.

Y/n " why most I stay here I can take care of myself"

Sky " we know but you need to stay here y/n there are witch hunters out there, and they are to powerful for you"

Y/n " yes sky" you sat back in your bed and laid down looking at your ceiling, you had asked the guys if I was okay if you went out on your own for a short while. You could say that didn't end well for you in the end every since witch hunters had started coming back, the guys made sure to never leave you alone. You didn't know if they were doing this because they loved you or they wanted to make sure nothing bad happened to their friend.

Bloo " do you understand y/n you can be killed in second and we can lose you forever"

Y/n " I know"

Bloo " we know you want life back to what is used to be but that ... might not happen for while"

Y/n " I know"

Stello " hey we have go deal with some stay here and we will be back in short while"

Y/n " okay"

France " hey maybe when we get back we can watch a movie and just hangout"

Y/n " I will love that"

Hella " good we will be back in short while"

Y/n " okay" the guys soon left your bedroom and closed the door right behind them, you are laying in your bed thinking about random thought.

With the guys

Bardon " we have to make sure no one else tries to get to her"

Timmy " sure"

Riven " they are not going to give up until they have her way from us and us locked away"

Ash " then it looks like we might have to deal with them in a different way" the guys had been lying to you for the past couple of months, keeping you under lock and key making sure you were never out of their site for even one second. Soon others started to noticed the boys crazy obsession with you and did to their best to stop the boys but it was to late.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now