Male cinderella x chubby princess reader

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Your father had decided to hold a ball for your older brother who was return from his travels, but you soon were part of the ball idea as well because you brothers had said it will be good for you to find someone as well. So you father had said yes and had his man tell every single male and female to come to the ball and trying to win, the heart of the royal children.

Y/n " I knew I should it stay in my room no man has wanted to dance with me and when I asked them for a dance, they will say no or say they were here with a date"

???? " oh hello there"

Y/n ' umm hello"

???? " you are princess y/n right I saw you were alone out here and decided to come speak with you, I think it wrong to leave a beautiful lady like you out here alone on a beautiful night like this"

Y/n " you are to kind...."

???? " oh yes my name is Colton your majesty"

Y/n " well Colton if you don't mind will you keep me company out here tonight"

Colton " I will love too my princess" you soon had started dancing with Colton getting lost in the music and lost in the moment with him.

Colton " you are so beautiful my princess"

Y/n " thank you Colton and you are very handsome tonight"

Colton " thank you for keeping me company tonight I hope I was not stealing you away from anyone"

Y/n " oh it okay I was glad at I had gotten to spend the night with you Colton"

Colton " you know those man are fools for not wanting to dance with a lovely lady like you" during the whole night you had spent your time with, Colton and you soon forgot about all the others guys that the dance because Colton became the only important thing to you.

Y/n " so Colton do you believe in love at first site or no"

Colton " well yes I do and I think I might of happened to me tonight" before you could say anything else Colton and kissed you on the lips, you soon looked back up at him and kissed him back. When the ball ended at night you had introduced your father and brother to Colton, and right way they could tell you were in love with him.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now