Male padamo x daugther reader x anakin

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You are the daughter of the only female clone ever made but the birth of you was kept secret, the only ones who knew about you being alive is your fathers and your family droids and friends. You are also the daughter of senator padamo and jedi master anakin, you were lucky because you were power with the force gift so the jedi won't ever find out about you. Your father had married your mother in secret even her own brothers didn't know about this marriage, and when they found out they were going to be fathers they were happy as can be. Soon the happiness came to end when your mother was blamed for something she didn't do, and was sent to death a few days before your mother was to be out to death she had given birth to you in secret. Your fathers were happy and sad at the same time because they knew they, were going to lose their wife and their daughter will never meet her mother.

Y/n " come on c3po"

C3po " my lady I think it will be wise if we go to the apartment and you most he tried from your travels"

Y/n " c3po I'm fine and I want to see my father and I'm on break from school so come on" you sook walked to the senate building you were able to get pass security, and soon to your father office you saw R2 standing in the hallway. When he saw you he moved towards you beeping happily.

Y/n ' hey buddy I missed you two" You soon had open your father office door and you soon saw your father standing there, they soon looked at you and smiled.

Padamo " sweetie you are back home" you walked into your father office with the two droids and soon enough, the door closed behind you. Your father soon hugs you making you smile and you soon hugged him back.

Padamo " I thought your won't be back for two more days"

Y/n " well the school decided to give us a early break so i came home after getting into contact with c3po"

Padamo " my you look like your mother"

Y/n " i wish I had gotten to know her"

Anakin " hey padamo I was told ..... hey sweetie you are really here I was told by R2 at you are here but i didn't know if I was true"

Y/n " hey dad" anakin soon hugs you tightly he was the same as padamo he missed you while you were away at school, he wished you were at home more but they will lead to trouble.

Anakin " when did you get here"

Y/n " a few hours ago"

Anakin" I'm happy you are home dear it good to have you here when the war is happening"

Y/n " father I know but when I'm doing at academy I will be able to do a lot of he galaxy" soon the door of your father office open and in comes walking friends of your fathers, they really didn't know about you and thought you were your father niece.

Padamo " c3po please make sure y/n get to the apartment safe"

Anakin " R2 go with them as well for extra safety" you had waved goodbye to your fathers and soon left the senate building, you were walking away from the building when you bumped into someone.

???? " I'm sorry about that kid I didn't see you there"

Y/n " it okay trooper I was not the one paying attention .... goodbye" you and bumped into the clone trooper named Rex and his brother when they saw your face it, remind them of their sister when they looked around to find you it was to late you were already gone. There were many question running threw their head mostly why did you look like their sister, and what business did you have with the senate.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now