Male monster high x chubby short hybrid reader

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You are walking around monster high trying to find you boyfriends yes boyfriends you were dating more then one, manster and it was common in the monster world. You were having a hard time see over you many textbooks that you didn't pay attention to something about to trip you.

Y/n " oh come one really" you are now trying to open your locker but you were having a hard time getting your locker to open.

??? " hey there cutie do you need any help" you soon see the books getting taken away from you and soon you become face to face with claws and Freddy.

Logan " hey there beautiful it seemed like you are having trouble with your locker again"

Y/n " no I don't know what you boys are talking about see I cam get it open all .... " you try opening your locker but nothing works and the guys just smirk and look at you.

Y/n " I need help"

Deuce " I got this" deuce soon hit the locker and it opened Freddy and claws placed your textbooks in your locker, you were happy to have boyfriends like them.

Alucardio " you are looking beautiful today sweetie"

Y/n " thanks al"

Tut " where were you this morning we were looking for you but we couldn't find you"

Y/n " oh I was having a hard time getting my textbooks"

Freddy " hey are you free this weekend"

Y/n " yeah my mother is away on a trip with my aunts on a sister getaway"

Claws " so we get to have a movie date night with you"

Y/n " yes we do and maybe we can talk about movies and food in class"

The guys " sure" you closed your locker and you and the guys walked away and into your guys next class, where you guys talked about what movies you all wanted to watch and food to eat.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now