Male older young justice x daugter reader

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You have more than one father and you never asked questions why, you have seven fathers who raised you one their own and in a small town. You never knew what your fathers did for work, and every time you did you got a short answer it was business. That was until you were ten years old and you had woken up one day, and noticed you err floating in the air you scream and soon fall to the floor. Your fathers rushed into your bedroom and you started explaining everything that happened. That when the finally told you about their work as superhero work and, you has gained the powers from them.

Y/n " wow this city is big" you had went on school trip with your class to visit the hall of justice, you were so happy to visit the place you wanted to meet members of the justice of justice league.

Teacher " remember kids stay safe and out of trouble" you soon walked away to look for something interesting to do, and you are walking around looking at statues. You soon heard scream and saw people running, and soon enough you saw a car coming flying straight at you.

???? " hey kid watch out" you soon moved out of way fast, you soon noticed you were far away from the crashed car.

Y/n " okay pay it off y/n just walk away like nothing happen" you were about to walk away, when you felt something giving you a bad headache. You soon notice someone was reading you mind, and that when you fought back.

Y/n " get out of my head" you soon blocked the person who was reading you mind out, and that when you rushed back to your class. Your class was soon taken back to the hotel, you were all staying at and the teachers promised tomorrow to take you all back there when it was safe.

Y/n " well I'm dead ... when they find out in used my power they will grounded me until I'm 20"

???? " hello dear I'm not here to hurt you but you need to come to hall of justice"

Y/n " who are you"

???? " you will find out soon my dear"

Y/n " umm ... sure"

You do what you are told and walk back to hall of justice, you soon walked into the hall of justice and into this meeting room with the light on.

???? " hey kid"

Y/n " hey .... wait you are the flash"

Flash " yep that me... hey me and my friends have a few questions for you"

Y/n " sure" you follow flash into this room where you see Batman, Superman, green arrow, and green Martin, zanta. There were some other hero's in there standing in the background.

Y/n "hello ... aww" you are soon holding your arm and see some random doctor standing there, he has drawn some blood from you randomly.

Y/n " oww" soon the doctor those a test on the blood he had taken, you were told to sit on chair while the hero's talked with the doctors about the results.

Batman " Why did they keep this from us"

Y/n " Umm who are you talking about"

Superman " excuse me kiddo but who did you get your powers"

Y/n " what powers do you mean" soon have a ball toss that you by green lantern, and you used your magical powers to stop it.

Superman " lantern"

Green lantern " I know that was stupid"

Batman " you might want to start telling us the truth kid... there many questions we want to know"

Green arrow " if you scare he she won't tell us here the guys are ... I'm been looking for Apollo for the past few what's now"

Y/n " how do you know my dads name"

Green arrow " wait you said dad right"

Y/n " yes I did one of my dad name is apollo, and my other father named are Dick, Conner, and mat, zantan , wally"

Superman " ..... "

Y/n " did I say something wrong"

Superman " you must be ...."

???? " don't you dare lay a hand on her" you soon see your fathers standing there and they look mad,and worried you soon get up from the chair and walk over to them.

Conner " don't come near our daughter okay stay away from her"

Superman " Conner I just wanted to...."

Wally " we don't care stay away from here we were fools for along, her to come here for a school trip"

Y/n " what going on"

Mat " the school trip got canceled kids are getting picked up, we are taking you home kiddo we will talk about what happened here later on when we get home"

Y/n " but ...."

Apollo " plane  now young lady"

Y/n " okay I'm going" you soon walked out of room and hall of justice, and soon to the plane waiting you already see you things packed in your suitcase in the car. After a while you father return and take you back home during the flight, home you could tell something was on their mind.

Y/n " I'm guessing I'm grounded right"

Wally " no you are not grounded we just want you, to stay away from them"

Y/n " what happened between you and them"

Conner " that a long story sweetie, come one let's get you some dinner and we can talk about your powers more"

Y/n " yes sir" you walked into the hi sue with your fathers you wanted to ask, some more questions but you knew it was not going to happen. After eating dinner you come went to bed, wondering what we're the justice league members relationship with your fathers.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now