Batman x daugther reader x superman

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this is from my book superman x reader x batman this one will be sad, and with the song playing in the background, it will make it more somewhat sad. 

You are now an adult but that not the new part of your life you are, married to your childhood friends Chad and Brad. You still remember the day when you told your fathers that they, asked you to marry them and you said yes. That first they were shocked and happy for you, and so your brothers as well. You had invited everyone close to you for your wedding, and you since remembered the dance you had with your fathers.

The end of the wedding

Y/n" bye dads I will call you guys when we are back home from our trip"

Bruce" sure sweetie"

Clark" take care of our daughter boys"

Chad" we will sir come on y/n we have to get going"

y/n" bye dads love you"

Clark" love you too baby girl"

Many years later

you had just given birth to a baby girl and you were happy to be a mother, and you enjoyed every part of holding your new baby girl.

Damien" hey can we come in and say hey to our beautiful niece"

y/n" sure come in"all your brothers and fathers come walking in with balloons and flowers.

Dick" she is so beautiful y/n "

y/n" thank you"

Bruce" you will be a great mother...hey where are your husbands"

y/n" oh they went to use the bathroom and call a few friends and share the news"

Clark" ok but hey we are happy to have a new family member"

Y/n" I'm so happy to have her ... my beautiful baby girl" Your family had taken a few pictures and you were soon visited by a few members of the justice league. Everyone was having a great time but that will be the last time everyone will be happy with smiles on their faces. Months later your husbands will have killed you in a horrible way.

Many months later

bruce" where is my daughter tell me she is okay" your father and uncles arrived at the hospital after hearing, a word you had been horribly attacked with your baby daugther.

Doctor" I'm sorry sir but we did our best to save her but it was too late, she lost a lot of blood and we could not save her"

Clark" no...what about our granddaughter is she okay"

Doctor" yes she is fine her mother made sure they didn't hurt her... the nurse will bring her to you all shortly"

Damien" no she can't be dead I just saw her two days ago" your family later learned your husband had killed you, they had been having an affair and did want a divorce or pay child support so they decided to kill you. They had been caught and arrested and they will never be freeman again or see your daugther, they had said they were sorry and want a redo but it was to late.

A month after your death

your fathers and brothers are now raising your daughter in Wayne manor, and they promote to tell her about you and all the good things you had done.

Bruce" hush now [ daugther name] we are here"

Clark" she looks so much like her mother everyday ... if I could make in the time I will object to the whole wedding and she will be here now with us"

Bruce" we all want to do that but she left us with a great gift this baby girl"

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