Prince Arthur x chubby witch reader

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You are watching Arthur training the new knights with Merlin both you and Merlin had magic, both of your lives had a dynasty at had to due with Arthur.

Merlin " you are looking at him again"

Y/n " I'm not the only one looking at him there are others as well"

Merlin " sure y/n whatever you say"

Gwen " is she looking at him again"

Y/n " really not you two Gwen"

Gwen " y/n we all know you love Arthur and he loves you back"

Y/n " you all know his father will never let us be together because I'm just a commoner and he a royal prince"

Gwen " sometimes love can work on many years y/n and maybe Arthur will to show you he really loves you against his, father wishes"

Y/n " let just hope so"

Merlin " here comes the prince himself"

Arthur " hello Merlin, Gwen, and y/n I'm happy to see some wonderful faces this morning"

Merlin " hey Gwen don't we have that important task at has us going to the market right now"

Gwen " oh yes we do well we will be leaving you two alone for now" Merlin and Gwen walked away with smirks on their faces, you wanted to call them back but it was to late they were far away.

Arthur " well those two will never change won't they"

Y/n " nope they want but hey at least they allowed us to be alone together"

Arthur " oh yes" Arthur's soon pulled you closer to him and started kiss you on the lips making you kiss him back, bring with Arthur I'm romantic way was something your didn't know of your future until you were later told by Merlin. You can say you love this new part of your story with Arthur because he made you feel happy and you made him feel happy.

Arthur " hey why don't I take you on a romantic horse back ride just the two of us ... alone"

Y/n " I will love that my dear prince"

Arthur " well then let's get on the way my dear queen" you and Arthur had gone horse back riding together while Gwen and Merlin covered for the both of you when the two of you were away.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now