Male monster high x chubby witch

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You are new to monster high and you cam say it was already not going well for you, you were walking down the hallway hoping to get this day over with. When you didn't see where you were going until it was too late because soon enough you were hit by a ball.

Y/n " okay wait to go y/n"

???? " I'm so sorry I didn't see you there .. hey I haven't seen you around here before"

Y/n " well I'm new here the name is y/n"

???? " well y/n I'm Freddy and I'm sorry again for the back hitting you me and my friends were doing some practice, and didn't know someone will be in the hallway" the boy named Freddy soon helped you back onto your feet, which made yo feel better about everything happening.

???? " hey there I'm claws I'm the one who tossed the ball that hit you I'm so sorry"

Y/n " I okay I should of been looking where I was going"

Alucaiod " hey you are new here right I haven't seen you before"

Y/n " yeah I'm new the name is y/n and I just move here a few weeks ago with my carven"

Freddy " well y/n welcome to monster high... hey will you like to have lunch with us"

Y/n " sure I will love too" you had lunch with the three new manster you had meet but you will soon meet two more of them at lunch. Their names were tut and Greyson and you could say after that day you become close friends with Boyd and few more guys you had meet.

A few months later

Student 1 " hey y/n look good today"

Y/n " hello"

Student 2 " hey y/n love your outfit it to die for"

Y/n " thank you"

Claws " it seems like you have become popular every fast"

Y/n " yeah even my aunts and older cousins are surprised about the news"

Freddy " hey it seems like you finally found you place here at monster high"

Y/n " yeah I have"

Tut " everyone one come one we have practice hurry up all of you"

Y/n "  we are coming"

Alucariod " here we go again with tut and trying to one up his brother"

Y/n " let us hope it not the bad as last time"

Claws " we are doomed but come one the fast we get this over with the faster we all get done with drills" you soon walked into the gym after the guys, and sit in stands with Greyson as you both watch the guys practice for their up coming match.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now