Young Mobster x young chubby girl

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It was the 1920s, and you are sitting in your aunt boutique shop, your aunt Maya was the only family you had left in the city after your parents and grandparents had passed away. Most of the man that brought suits from your aunts or got team fixed up were mobsters or hitman. They were not the only ones that came into the store. There were also wives, girlfriends, and daughters of these men that came to buy news dress or get them fixed up as well. You are 15 years old you mostly help your aunt by writing down opponents or orders for her and later giving it to her,

Y/n " oh dear" soon the door to the shop open and in came Nicky and his bodyguards, Nicky is a young mobster who is learning the family business.

Nicky " hey y/n"

Y/n " Ummm hey Nicky"

Nicky " where have you been lately I don't see around school anymore"

Y/n " yeah I have been busy with school and the family business"

Nicky " well, are you going to give me the answer about the date I asked you about."

Y/n " umm Nicky ......"

Customer " excuse I have an order I will like to pick up right now .... so if you are not to busy being lazy, I will like to have what I came here for now" Nicky soon got pissed and looked at the customer who was being rude to you, but you wanted to stop him, but you knew it was too late.

Nicky " excuse me but if you can't see the busy right now with me and show her some respect.... so before I shit you in your head leave right now and come back some other day" the customer soon ran out of the store before Nicky could pull out his gun.

Nicky " now that pests are gone, what were you going to say doll face"

Y/n " Nicky I cant I already agreed to go on date with someone else tonight" you had thought about it fast and soon came up with a lie that you were going deep down he will believe.

Nicky " oh you do .... who is the lucky guy ....."

Y/n " I a guy that those delivery's for the shop ..... here our your orders your coats have been fixed"

Nicky " oh thank you ....." you gave Nicky guys the coats and they soon left the shop but you could tell Nicky didn't like your answer you had given him.

With Nicky

Nicky " find the fool that asked her out and give him some warnings if he mess up on this date"

Hit man 1 " yes sir"

Nicky " if he mess up one bit kill him"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now