Male jane x cuvry reader

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You had been raised in the jungles of African all your life, by the family of gorillas since you showed up in the juggle bandied in a basket. Your family had soon found a house and later put a few prices together and realized the tree house was, owned by your parents who had been killed leaving you alone in the world. You start to read some of the old book trying to understand what they had to say.

Y/n " mother I'm going out for a walk"

Kanan " okay sweetie be careful out there"

Y/n " yes mother" you soon walked away from your family and into the deep of the forest, you soon heard a loud roar fill the air.

Y/n " what in the world" you soon started climbing a tree using the veins of the tree to help you, you soon got to the top of the tree and saw a weird looking thing coming toward land. It had taken you a while to know it was a ship like hue ones from your books.

You soon jump from the tree and start swinging on vines and you soon landed a few feet away from the beach, you soon saw a small ship come towards land and you eye land on a handsome looking man. You and allow seem pictures of man like him and the his friends in your picture books, but never in person.

Y/n " he seem friendly" you were about to go say hello when you saw one of them holding a gun you and been told, many stories of these so called guns and how evil they were and soon enough the gun had gone off. Making you fall t9 the floor hard and soon you got up and made a run for it. You soon and gotten home and when you arrived their your mother looked worried and so were everyone else.

A few days later

The juggle was in up roar about the new humans arrival and you been the only human most animal had seen, not everyone trust them.

Keri trek " y/n where are you going"

Y/n " just out for a walk Keri trek and maybe I can learn about the human area"

Keri trek " fine but if anything happens come back right away we should not be peaceful with those hair less ...."

Y/n " I know sir I promise"

Keri trek " yes just promise into be home before dark"

Y/n " I will" you soon walked away from the family and to the area where you were told the males were staying. You soon came across their camp and saw no one was there. You had walked into the camp and looked around now paying attention to the handsome male who just return from a walk ask saw you.

Y/n " ....."

???? " hello there"

Y/n " ahhh"

???? " I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you miss ... my name is James and what may your name be"

Y/n " I'm called y/n by my family and friends"

James " well y/n i haven't seen you before"

Y/n " ........"

James " Your dress is made our animal fur right"

Y/n " yes my mother made it for me"

James " you mother must be amazing women to make that perfect for you" you smile at James and he smiled back and after that one afternoon you stated to see more of James. Your mother knew of your relationship with the human man and she was happy you finally found someone, just like you on this inland.

James " y/n" You were with James teaching him all about the flowers and trees in the juggle when a gun set off making you runaway from him.

James " I'm sorry I scared you"

Y/n " you need to leave now before he see you"

James " not until I know you are okay" Soon your family had show up and they saw James as someone who was trying to hurt you, but you soon stopped them and that when James learn the whole truth of your story. He soon got to meet your  mother and your friends, and soon enough it seem like James was going to stay longer then he thought. Soon James and asked you to become his wife and you said yes, after you thought about it for a while.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now