Male winx club x cuvry wife reader x speaclist

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When you married your husband there was some judgment in your marriage, a lot of people didn't trust you and thought you were up to no good. All because you are a witch and your husband sky father hated you the most and wished his son married someone else. It soon becomes that your father in law was never going to like you. Soon enough, he started to get your other husband's fathers to believe what he was saying and thinking. Soon later on people started to question if one of your son with sky  was his kid, and the same started happening with your other kids.

Y/n " why do you all believe his lie over me I'm your wife"

Sky " we don't know who to believe y/n and you haven't be honest to us for the last few months"

Y/n " really sky"

Bloo " he right y/n and why is sky child with you the only one who is a wizard and the rest are not"

Y/n " it skips a generation and you all have other magic one child was going to be , born a witch or wizard "

Ash " well their rumors going around that sky is not peter father"

Y/n " he is Kimberly father why would I cheat on any of you I love you"

France " we used to feel the same but after thinking about it we rushed to fast, into this relationship without thinking about it"

Y/n " what do you mean"

Hella " we think it will be the best if we have a small spilt from each other"

Y/n " how long have you all been feeling like this"

Riven " for some months y/n we didn't know how to tell you and the other fathers, said we should tell you soon"

Y/n " so you are really going to end our marriage over some rumors and lies"

Mat " we just don't know who to trust right now, and we have to believe our fathers even more"

Y/n " sky father hates me from the start and now you are going to believe him, over me"

Sky " don't speak of my father that way y/n and ..l think it will be the best if you leave the boys can stay here "

Y/n " as your wish your majesty's"

Tech " we are sorry it had to end this way"

Y/n " ......." you soon leave the throne room and you toss you crown to the floor, you had found your sons playing together and you hugged them once last time and gave them a kiss on the forehead.

Many years later

You had rarely saw your sons after that and you didn't even speak with them that much as well.

???? " mother you came"

Y/n " helol peter I brought you and your brothers a gifts"

James " mother we are happy you came here and we want you to see something" your sons had dragged you somewhere else in the school campus and you soon saw your ex husbands.

Sky " y/n hello"

Y/n " hello"

Brandon " when the boys said you were coming we decided to come as well, so we can speak and ...."

Y/n " I just came for a small visits I didn't come here to started anything new between me and any of you"

Sky " I'm sorry for how I ...."

Y/n " boys I'm sorry but I have to leave there something I have to deal with back at home"

Bloo " wait please don't leave we are sorry we miss you and we still love you"

Y/n " I hope one day you will all say that again to me but I had to move on with my life and I did, the love I had for all of is gone"

Sky " please y/n "

Y/n " goodbye my dear sons and .... your majesty's" you soon leave from your sons and ex husbands, your sons had planned on getting you back with their fathers and making their family whole again.

Peter " if you had said what we told you she would if stayed but no she gone again, and we rarely saw her because of you all"

Sky " Peter we will try again"

Peter " I don't care I hate you father and I hate you believe grandfather over here, and see where we are no she gone forever" you still loved you ex husband but all the heartache they gave you was to much, to try again but you knew your husbands will not give up easily.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now