Deuce x short mummy reader

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You are the younger sister of tut nile you went to monster high as well. Being the baby sister of popular ghoul on campus was easy at times and hard. Most of the friends you had are your older brother tut friends.

Student 1 " hey there y/n"

Y/n " hello"

Student 2 " what up tut baby sister"

Y/n " hey" since the few weeks you started school at monster high, you had become very popular thanks to your brother and all his guys friends inviting to their parties and hangouts.

Deuce " hey cool ghoul what up"

Y/n " oh hey deuce how are you this morning"

Deuce " cool hey did your brother tell you anything last night, that might of seemed important"

Y/n " well he did come into my room and start asking a few questions about something... yes I think is was about a date what I will like to have on date ... it was not normal of him"

Deuce " sure hey y/n later tonight are you free"

Y/n " yeah I was plan to go to a movie but your know my father... why do you ask"

Deuce " oh nothing yet can you meet me at the cemetery later on tonight, maybe we can hang out the two of us"

Y/n " sure I will see you there tonight"

Deuce " cool see you then girl" deuce soon walked away from you with a smile on, his face making you guys smile and laugh.

Tut " so did he ask you"

Y/n " ahh what do you mean asked me and where in the monster did you come from"

Tut " oh it nothing you will find out later on tonight ... hey have baby sister I will cover for you for dad and our other brother"

Y/n " oh okay"

Later on that night

Y/n " hello deuce are you here ..."

Deuce " hey y/n there you are come over here I have to show you something"

Y/n " Okay"you follow deuce down this path which leads up to a cliff, you soon come to stop and see a picnic basket and blanket landed out.

Deuce " what do your think she the view is amazing"

Y/n " I love it but what ...."

Deuce " you see y/n I like you more then friends and I was talking with the guys about it and they helped, me set up this date even your brother tut helped"

Y/n " aww deuce I like you too"

Deuce " so will you do a favor and become my ghoul friend"

Y/n " I will love too deuce"

Deuce " then let's get this date started"

Y/n " sure" you and deuce sit on the picnic blanket and start eating the food. What either one of you knew was that, your brother and the others were watching from far away.

Tut " just because I said it was okay for him to date her doesn't mean I'm going to allow them to be alone"

Drac " sure tut" the next day at school everyone already knew you and deuce had become a couple, all thanks to the ghostly gossip.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now