Sector v x cuvry teenager reader

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Today is your third teen birthday and you were  going to lose all your memories about, being part of kids next door and all you friends still in kids next door. You were sitting at a table with the members of sector v and two others name Maurice and chad,

Number five " hey y/n it your birthday you should be happy not sad"

Y/n " you are right Abby but I'm going to miss everyone I had meet in the kids next door p, but I hope you guys will keep up the good fright"

Number one " I promise y/n I will do my best and I won't let you down dear cousin"

Y/n " I know number one because your are one of the best agents I had trained"

Number 86 " number....  I mean  y/n it time to go"

Y/n " I'm coming number 86" You got up from the table and hugged your friends goodbye for the what you thought was,the last time.

Y/n " kids next door rules"

???? " kids next door rules ma'am" soon lights and turned on and you got the last look of the kid agents, you and helped trained or trained yourself before you walked into the room where you memories will be erased. Everyone had stared crying because you had meant so much to everyone,and they knew once you were memory wiped you will be working for father and your brothers.

In the room

???? " you know you new mission right number ( favorite number)"

Y/n " yes I do I will make sure adult and evil teens don't destroy or hurt the kids next door"

???? " good luck y/n" you record of you scream of you memories being erased filled the room, and everyone thought you were gone and never coming back. You soon had walked out of the room wearing some peppy girl uniform and that when everyone knew you were gone.

Y/n " hey where I'm"

Number four " come one y/n we will take you home"

Y/n " okay kid"

A few weeks later

The ice man and your brothers were going after the kids next door again and you were there, you knew you can't step in unless there was to much danger. Your dear young brothers were about to do something dangerous and that when you step in and saved sector v.

Number one " y/n you remember"

Y/n " yes number one I remember everything and you all have been doing well"

Number two " then you know about chad betrayal"

Y/n " yes I know bur everything will be okay"

Number five " how do you remember"

Y/n " some agent can stay kid next door agents after they turn 13 and that what happened to me, and if you all keep up the door work the same will happen to all of you now go before more danger shows"

Sector v " yes ma'am" you soon had turned around but you soon felt something or someone was hugging you and, you looked down to see members of sector v all hugging you and they soon let go and ran off.

Number five and three " you are still the best y/n"

Y/n " you all will be the best as well" you stayed and watched from far way as sector v had gotten picked up, by a near by sector.

Y/n " now one lets get you all home" you still love you younger brother even if they were against you most of the time, and hey they did you more then father at times. You doom dragged them onto the ship and when they finally opened their eyes they you all were back at home.

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