Shang x chubby wife reader x male mulan

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You are at home waiting for you dear husbands Shang and Ping to return home from their meeting with the emperor, you have been spending most of the day worried sick about them. You had been told rumors that the Huns were trying again to get back into China and take over, and restore the honor of their former ruler. It had soon started to rain and you started worrying even more because, you knew the roads become deadly when rain or snow comes into play.

Y/n " please ancestors don't let harm come to my husbands" you soon hear the sound of horse you soon, run to the entrance and see your husband getting off their horse. They soon lay eyes on you and give you a small smile but you can tell something is wrong, they soon came into the house and you had made some tea.

Y/n " what did the emperor say"

Shang " we go to battle in a few moons the Huns are back and what revenge for what we did"

Y/n " how long will you be gone for"

Ping " we don't know my love we are sorry we have to leave once again"

Y/n " I understand it your duty to China" you soon leave the room and go outside into the rain, you didn't want your husbands to leave but you knew China need them more. You had tell your husbands you were with child because you wanted to way for the right time.

Ping " love please come out of the rain you don't want to get sick and the child as well" You soon turned around and look at your husbands.

Shang " we ran into the midwife and she told us the wonderful... we sorry if you ruined any plans you had to tell us about your being pregnant"

Y/n " it okay" ping sook pulled you under the roof where it was dry, him and Shang looked ay you with a loving look they are happy to be fathers.

Ping " my family will be here a two days a well before we leave so they can help you around here"

Y/n " thank you"

Shang " come one lets get your inside and in some changed and warm clothes, and we will make dinner"

Y/n " are you sure you...."

Ping " yes we se sure we know how to cook you know" a few days later ping family came to visit and stayed with you until the war came to end, but this war came to quick when the Huns haves up after a few months of fighting, soon enough Shang and ping arrived back home a before the twins you born. You had twin sons and named one after Shang father and your second son after pings father.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now