Sky x cuvry witch reader 2

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It had been a few weeks since you found out about sky being engaged to other women, you had been talking and hanging out with the other, but you have been avoiding sky. The guys were trying their best to get you to speak with sky and give him another shot and let him explain himself. You are walking back to school when you hear footsteps running up from behind you.

Sky " y/n please talk with me I did to explain my story to you"

Y/n " go away sky I don't want to deal with a cheater and lair"

Sky " please y/n I only love you and I didn't want to marry her my father made me"

Y/n " sky I don't know what to believe why didn't you tell me sooner"

Sky " because I was scared I was going to drive you away"

Y/n " you won't have sky but now I don't know where we stand"

Sky " I understand but please think about it"

Y/n " okay sky" you soon walked away from sky because you were done having this conversation with him but, you knew deep down that it was not the last of the conversation with him. Sky wanted to go after you but he knew if he did it will make thing worst, so he went back to his dorm hoping to ask the guys for some help in winning you back.

With sky and the guys

Sky " she ......"

Bloo " we know sky but maybe it just take a longer time, for her to forgive you"

Sky " I know but I don't want my relationship with her to end like this I end the whole marriage agreement"

Brandon " then we just have to show her you been the truth"

Hella " you seem to be the one that cares about her the most out of all of us"

Stello " now come one lets get the plan on the way so you can win her back"

Sky " thanks guys" the guys sit in sky and Brandon dorm room coming up with a plan to get you, to hang out with sky and let him explain himself.

Later that night

Hella had texted you saying something important had come up and he wanted to meet up with you, and you had said yes to him. You are walking into the park where hella had asked you to meet him and you couldn't find him, you soon started to get worried about hella.

Y/n " ...... sky what are you doing here"

Sky " I'm here to speak with you please just give me a few minutes of you time"

Y/n " okay what are you up to sky"

Sky " you will see come one let go for a walk and I can tell you the whole story"

Y/n " okay" sky had grabbed you hand and you had taken it, and the both of you started walk on a path holding hands and you were listening to the story sky was telling you.

Y/n " so you never loved her from the start"

Sky " no my parents wanted this marriage not me, and when I started dating you I started feeling love and happiness"

Y/n " I'm sorry I got so mad and didn't allow you to explain yourself"

Sky " not you were right to get mad what I did was wrong for not telling you I'm the first place"

Sky " a to make it up to you I had a one on one days for us set up in nice area of the park"

Y/n " ......"

Sky " come one lets see if the guys had finished setting everything up" you soon arrived in the area where the date was being held, when you saw everything was perfectly set up.

Sky " please stay here with me"

Y/n " I will love too" you and sky enjoyed the date and you and him knew there will be no end to your guys relationship, sky was about to kiss you when something or someone stop him.

Riven " nope nor happing buddy"

Sky " riven"

Y/n " ....."

Timmy " sky the romantic" the guys were laughing at some of the things sky had said to you and you knew it was not going to end well.

Sky " I will be back I have to deal with something bugs" sky soon chased after the boys leaving you there and watching your boyfriends chase after each other and trying to fright one other.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now