Deku x chubby reader x bakugou x todorick

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You are in the park watching your three sons play around on the playground, you are also waiting for your three husbands to get off from work was well. You were married to the new best hero in the city there was deku, Bakugou, and Todorick.

Hiro " mommy when are daddies getting here you said they will be here soon"

Y/n " they will be here soon hiro just wait okay"

Hiro " but I wanted to show dad I got better with my explosive powers"

Y/n " he will be so happy to see what you cam do baby"

Tadashi " do you think dad will like my new skills with my fire and ice powers"

Y/n " yes he will tadashi"

Sora " I'm still working on how to deal with my powers"

Y/n " oh sora sweetie your dad was just like you and he will help you with you powers"

Boys " dads" you son saw your husbands walking over to you and the boys and the boy took off running towards there fathers, they boys thought their fathers were the number one hero's ever.

Y/n " you are all like your fathers"

Deku " sorry we are late honey we had an important meeting"

Y/n " it okay I'm just happy you guys are here"

Bakugou " so kiddo have you gotten better at your explosive skills yet"

Hiro " yes dad I had been able to break some rock at school today with them"

Bakugou " that wonderful kiddo and soon enough they will be calling you the explosive kid" Bakugou soon places hiro on his shoulder and they began doing their regular chant between them. You were just sitting there smirking at your husband and son goofing around.

Hiro " yes explosive kid"

Todorick " what about you Tadashi how have you been doing with your skills of fire and ice"

Tadashi " wonderful father I can now use them at the same time"

Todorick " that great kid I'm proud of you but remember to take to easy"

Tadashi " yes father" soon Todorick and Tadashi had walked away they usual had their normal walk, where they talked with each other.

Deku " what about you sora do you have any stories to share with me"

Sora " no"

Deku " what the matter kiddo"

Sora " I can't seem to be doing anything right dad I'm never going to be a hero like you"

Deku " you are going to get better with your power and no day you will become a hero like me"

Sora " okay dad"

Y/n " come on boys we have to get to the supermarket to buy food for dinner tonight or it top ramen"

Boys " mom can we please do top ramen"

Y/n " ask your fathers"

Boys " dads please"

Bakugou " sure it more fun then going grocery shopping with your mother"

Y/n " oh it it well honey we are going to have top ramen night and you have until 10:00 to save yourself from the couch for the next two weeks"

Bakugou " yes babe" everyone was laughing at Bakugou sad expression you were the only girl at could defeat him, and he will let you get away with it.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now