Male justice league x cuvry wife reader 2

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You finally had been dropped onto the ground hard, you soon had been picked up by two robot aliens.

Y/n " let me go now"

???? " that won't be happening my dear"

Y/n " I'm guessing you are darkside"

darkside " yes that is me"

Y/n " why did you bring me and try to kidnap some other scientists":

Darkside " I need you help with my deadly weapon"

Y/n " not going to happen I made a deal with myself many years ago, don't se my brain for evil"

Darkside " if you don't help me then I will kill you ask many others":

Y/n "....... " You are soon taken a edge of building and you are looking at darkside , has he has evil grin on his face. The robot aliens soon let go of you and darkside grabs you hand and hold you close to the edge, he pushes you off and bit but her still have a tight grip on you.

Y/n " I still won't help you"

???? " darkside let her go now"

Darkside " may it the hero's I knew if I took your favorite scientist, you will all be here shortly"

Batman " let her go now or else"

Darkside" as you wish" he soon let you go and you started falling to the ground fast.

Y/n " ahhhhh"

????? " got you" you are soon caught my green lantern, right before you it the sharp rocks on the ground.

Green lantern " it seems like you are draw to danger sweetie"

Y/n " well yes it seems like that but hey that comes with the job and marriage" green lantern soon puts you down on the ground, and he gives you a smirk.

Green arrow " come on let's go before something happens"

Y/n " wait I have a plan can one of you help me close to that weapon"

Flash " yes but why"

Y/n " we will see" you and flash soon got to the weapon and you type in a code or two, that will make the weapon overload and destroy it self. Along with destroying the plans of the weapon ever be built again.

Batman " good now let's go" you all good get on the jet and soon take off from the planet.

Y/n " one ..two .. three .... " soon the weapon blows up and destroy many other things as well.

Superman " wow that was amazing"

Y/n " thank you"

Flash " we got all your coworkers to safety and now we just have to get you back home"

You and the guys soon returned back home and the aliens boxes were soon placed in maximum security, so they would never be opened again, you and few other scientists did some research on the aliens that were left on earth, before the green lantern core had taken them away to pay for what they did to the planet earth and many other planets.

If you want me to make this male justice league x reader into a one -shot book please comment below, because I was thinking about doing it but I wanted to know what everyone else thought.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now