Male ariel x chubby meroctous reader 2

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You and Anthony are swimming around here coral reef cove with flora, she soon started hanging out with you and Anthony and you were happy to have more company and friends. Anthony said he was still coming up with a plan for you to finally meet his family.

Anthony " it was a great idea to come here y/n and have so much need time together"

Y/n " yeah I love hanging out with you and flora"

Anthony " soon you will able to meet my family and get to know them"

Y/n " I just hope that they will like me even if I'm meroctopus "

Antony " they are going to love you because you mean so much to me already"

Flora " you two make a cute couple"

Antony " hush flora"

Flora " just saying now come on let's go see what other color of corals we can find"

Y/n " yes" you and flora swam away together look at coral and sharing embarrassing stories about Anthony, he was okay with you two talking and getting along together.

Anthony " what I'm going to do with you girls"

Later at day

Y/n " okay lesson learn don't get a whit shark mad"

Flora " I can't believe you really stood up to the shark Anthony"

Anthony " hey you two mean to much to me I can't allow you both to get hurt"

Flora " Anthony we have to get back home before your father notice you are missing"

Anthony " yes we do but y/n I want you come with us I going to have you meet my family"

Y/n " sure o will love to" you soon swam to the castle with Anthony and flora soon all of your arrived at the castle.

Anthony " father I will like you meet the special girl in my life"

Triton " okay son where is this special girl"

Anthony " father please meet y/n she is my friend and the girl I have been spending most of my time with"

Y/n " hello your majesty"

Triton " hello young lady you seem to be getting my son attention and now we now, the reason why he been acting all lovely around the castle"

???? " father we finally think we know why Anthony been away .... oh hello there"

Anthony " brothers I will like you all to meet y/n she is the special girl I have been hanging out with a lot"

Y/n " hello it nice to meet all of you Anthony speaks highly of all of you"

Brother 2 " you can stay for dinner and we can get to know you better"

Y/n " I will love too" after that evening you and spent some dinner with Anthony and his family and many years later, you and Anthony had become husband and wife. You and Anthony lives together is wonderful and lovely the both of you and each other.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now