Arthur x curvy servant reader

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This is off a show on Netflix i love and watch at is called Merlin.

When you arrived at Camelot you had never thought you will be the personal servant, of prince Arthur but what you worried most about being in Camelot is that you had magic. You had learned very quickly anyone who had magic was put to death by the order of king Uther, who said magic was evil and people who used magic was trying to take over Camelot.

Y/n " I swear it a sue y/n day" your day had started off goof for while that was until Arthur gave you a long list of chores, to do and when you had dropped his heavy armor Uther and the knights scold you for it.

Y/n " I think it has become something to call he a stupid girl .... like hello who said Arthur from the last time he was nearly killed me "

Guis " child as much I as like having you around you have to make sure to keep you power under control"

Y/n " I know guis but I hate it when everyone enjoys making fun of me"

Guis " I know child maybe one day it will stop"

Arthur " y/n" Arthur soon came walking into medical room and looked straight at you.

Y/n " yes my lord"

Arthur " you messed up my boots once again" Arthur tossed his boots on the ground and sook looked at you.

Y/n " my lord there seems to me no issues with you shoes"

Arthur " sure y/n well you will be redo my shoes along with the knight boots as well it better be done before night fall"

Y/n " yes my lord" soon the knight came into the room and tossed their boots onto the ground and just smiled at you, as you see the pile of shoes grow and soon stop.

Y/n " this is all for not"

Arthur " what did you say y/n"

Y/n " I said I will get to work straight away my lord" you soon take a sit on the stool where you once were sitting, and started cleaning up the shoes.

Later that day

Uther " girl I have heard you be slacking on your work when it comes to my son and the knights armors"

Y/n " well you majesty you see...."

Uther " I swear you are the most stupid servant girl I have see and my son is fail as prince because of you"

Y/n " ......"

Uther " is she always this stupid"

Arthur " sometimes father"

Uther " take her to stock and have the people toss fruit and vegetables at her" you were soon take to the stocks and the people tossed fruit and vegetables at you.

Later that night

Y/n " why must I save Camelot if it own rulers keep on throwing punches at me"

Arthur " y/n there you are where have you been all this evening"

Y/n " at the stocks my lord"

Arthur " well I need you to sew up my shirts before tomorrow morning you better get to it y/n" Arthur tossed his shits at you and soon walked away.

Y/n " ....." you later went back to your quarters and started sewing up the shirts making sure you do a great job, because you know Arthur will make you start again and again.

????? " hey y/n"

Y/n " Lancelot hello"

Lancelot " hey I brought you some food maybe we can eat together, and it will make up for this whole day of ...."

Y/n " torture or abuse because it starting to feel like that now all because of him.... Arthur the man I was told I had to save and help make a king ..... are we sure he will be a good king because he seems right now to be a bad friend"

Lancelot " I know y/n and you have saved him and everyone in the kingdoms lives, to many times and people have yet to see a hero you are"

Y/n " well I'm called the stupid servants girl and even the other servants all me that as well ... making good friends here"

Lancelot " hey I think you are the best now come one take a break and have a meal with me"

Y/n " okay" you stoped you work for while and had a meal with Lancelot both of you talking about you day and what had happened to you all.

The next day

Arthur " so Lancelot I was told you were seen having a meal with y/n and later leaving her quarters that night"

Lancelot " well yes sir me and her the the best of friends and she need someone yesterday, that was mot pushing her around"

Arthur " I was not pushing her around"

Lancelot " seemed like at to me and everyone else, and remember my lord ladies not like a guy who bullies them daily and think lowly of them.... even when they all knights and a prince" Lancelot soon took off on leaving Arthur and the remaining knights there.

Giewen " y/n and Lancelot a couple"

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now