Oikawa x chubby reader x kageyama

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You attend karasuno high and you are also on of the team mangers of the boys volleyball team, and you had also been childhood friends with one of the guys kageyama. When you heard he will be attending karasuno high you were so happy because now you will have a friend there, and soon enough you started working as a team manger .

Kageyama " hey y/n me and others are going out to celebrate a good practice run do you want to join us"

Y/n " sure I will love to"

Hinata " hey kageyama are you coming"

Kageyama " yeah I'm coming and y/n said she will come as well"

Hinata " cool lets get going the team is waiting for us" soon you and the guys join the rest of the team at the school entrance, and soon enough you guys arrive at this ramen shop.

Tanaka " hey isn't that oikawa and his team right there" you turned around a bit and saw oikawa standing there , and soon enough he lays eyes on your guys table.

Y/n " hey I will be back I have to do something"

Sawamura " okay is everything okay"

Y/n " yeah everything is fine" you soon leave the table and go into the girls bathroom hoping you had avoided, oikawa seeing you.

Back at the table

Oikawa " well hello kageyama long time no see"

Kageyama " I can say the same thing"

Iwaizumi " hey what with the extra bowl of ramen did you guys bring someone else here .... by focus"

Oikawa " that y/n favorite ramen I know that because she alway used to get that when we went to get ramen"

Kageyama " oh so you do remember who y/n this":

Oikawa " is she here with you all"

Kageyama " no she not here it for someone else oikawa"

Nishinoya " what do you mean she was.... aww what did you kick me" you soon had come out of bathroom thinking oikawa and his team was gone.

Oikawa " hey y/n"

Y/n " hey ... kageyama can you pass me my bag I have to get going I'm not feeling well"

Oikawa" hey I can walk you home it....."

Y/n " I'm fine okay" kageyama soon pass your school bag and you soon walk out of restaurant fast and not looking at anyone. You are walking home thinking about the one day in elementary school you,oikawa, and kageyama were the best of friends in middle school but that ended badly.

Kageyama " hey there you are"

Y/n " hey kageyama"

Kageyama " you left so fast you and the team worried about you, so I went ahead of them to caught up with you"

Y/n " you know you didn't have to come right"

Kageyama " hey you are my best friend i will do anything for you"

Hinata " hey you two we found you... y/n are okay you"

Kageyama " are you fine with I tell them y/n"

Y/n " yeah sure if you want to"

Kageyama " I, y/n, and oikawa went to same middle school together and you see y/n had a crush on oikawa back then and confessed with him on love letter"

Sugawara " aww that cute ...."

Kageyama " he later found the love letter and read it and started joking about how stupid the girl was for writing this letter, and he later ripped it up laughing on how he won't ever love a girl who wrote a love letter like that not knowing it was from y/n.... she was right in front of him when he did that"

Hinata " y/n I'm so sorry ...."

Y/n " it okay and when I heard kageyama will be coming to karasuno high I decided to come here as well, I could deal with any more years with oikawa anymore"

???? " what going on here" everyone soon see oikawa and his teammates standing there and you can fell oikawa is mad about something.

Kageyama " it none of you business oikawa if y/n wants to share she will"

Oikawa " what are you her boyfriend"

Kageyama " well yes I'm"

Everyone " what"

Kageyama " yeah me and y/n have been dating for whole now if you excess us I have to get my girlfriend home, now bye our you guys coming or not" the karasuno team soon follow you and kageyama away and everyone started asking questions was if true.

Hinata " wait you two are dating"

Kageyama " no we are not but I made a promise to y/n if anyone like oikawa bother her I will fake to be, her boyfriend to keep them away"

The team " oh" the team soon said goodbye to you and kageyama as they went their own way home, you soon walked back to your house with kageyama.

Kageyama " hey y/n I was wondering if you don't mind going on a date with me this weekend, to help fair just the two of us"

Y/n " I will love that kageyama and thank you for always being there for me"

Kageyama " anything for you y/n" kageyama kissed you check and soon left you at your house and you waved goodbye to him.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now